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[Oh hey Rick, I’m not so sure about this episode..there’s no, uhhh…Ads! Oh geez..

Morty they’re in another
burp dimension ahhh wooty whoo!]

Wait…I thought we just recorded an episode? But that would mean…and if he’s over there…and I’m a notoriously prickly leading man whose tangible lack of enthusiasm for nearly all his work, in combination with rumors of my rather unsavory behavior on set, would be enough to blackball me from the industry? No? Okay well good because we got another in-person 2 hour banger to get through, and I’m not going to let any kind of cyclical karmic time loop stop me! On today’s oddly familiar YKS we got shirts and apples, uncles who shoot, and oh geez, maybe a new segment at the end of the show? I sure hope we have time for it! Plus we got a bible AI app, a reality reprogrammer (just in time) and a strange vacuum cleaner you’ve probably never heard of before. Let your fingers do the talking…to the podcast app, that is, and push them to push it to download it to the phone to listen to the show! It’s a new YKS!

Music for YKS is courtesy of Howell Dawdy, Craig Dickman, Mr. Baloney, and Mark Brendle. Additional research by Zeke Golvin. YKS is edited by Producer Dan.

Heads up! The Squeeze Louise tier is where you can find some good ass shit! Including: video of every YKS Premium, exclusive mailbag episodes every month, and more. But the only trick is, you gotta subscribe to it to get the benefits of it! It doesn’t just do something on its own. That would be insane.



yks boys SO ready to get shot by a psycho over some dog shit