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[Michael Jackson bought all the ads for this ep so we can’t air em]

Let’s make this one quick, Chrome wants to update itself for the 19th time this week and I need to relaunch it and lose all my tabs. Oh it doesn’t lose all your tabs they should just open right back up or they’re in your history…blah blah blah…who cares! I FEEL like I’m going to lose all my tabs. And my feelings don’t care about facts. Now let’s discuss Today’s Topics. On this week’s ep, we’ve got a meat cube, a book light, and a lollipop. Sound lackluster? Well, I’ve cleverly left out some key details of those projects that might just get you clicking on the play button. That’s my secret. I want you to click play! And that was Today’s Topics. Enjoy the show.

Music for YKS is courtesy of Howell Dawdy, Craig Dickman, Mr. Baloney, and Mark Brendle. Additional research by Zeke Golvin. YKS is edited by Producer Dan.

Upgrade to the Squeeze Louise tier today for even more bullcrap!



Sir Paul’s a roight cheeky ol geezer, innit


Beatles song got me horny y!!!!