YKS Premium S25E10: A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy (Patreon)
We're checking out Patreon's new built-in video player, which I think is in beta or something. Let us know how you like it. Meanwhile, you can still watch this episode, in higher quality, on Youtube.
That's no New Moon (BBQ), that's a YKScapade to a Star Wars convention! JF and DB hop aboard the Millennial Falcon (JF's van) and make the kessel run to Lebanon, TN in about 45 parsecs (minutes) for the final day of ICCcon and a few chance encounters with some of the galaxy's most devious villains! Plus, a restaurant review because we got hungry and there was no food trucks around. The restaurant was on, let's say, Tattoine or something.
Music for YKS Premium is courtesy of Wavmage, Howell Dawdy and Mark Brendle. YKS is edited by Producer Dan.