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Wow it's the 101st time I remembered to put the YKS Premium tag in the episode description. That doesn't correlate at all with anything, but I think it's actually good to keep track of arbitrary milestones. Oh, you don't? Tell me more about your last birthday...

On today's show, we're finally discussing the 7 Life Elements, as the one and only Garry Anderson gets inducted into a cult or something. Plus, it's another edition of What The Fund?? Just tell us what you want us to buy! #GetThatNutOutDan

Music for YKS Premium is courtesy of Howell Dawdy and Mark Brendle. YKS is edited by Producer Dan. Executive Produced by lola butt.

YKS Premium is now proudly presented in glorious HD thanks to the fine craftsgineers at Early90sPants Studios. Upgrade your sub to the Squeeze Louise tier today to enjoy video of every YKS Premium episode, plus an exclusive monthly mailbag featuring all the latest packages and snackages from the YKS PU Box and more.



J Knol

jf can I send you my leftovers via the pu box