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...Statues crumble for me! Ohhh that's a good song. Speaking of good songs, I noticed that Dan used the old YKS Premium theme on this episode by accident. Hey that's a fun little "Easter Egg" for ya. Right now, my kids are watching 2011's live action/CGI hybrid Easter Bunny film "Hop", starring James Marsden, Kaley Cuoco, and Russell Brand. That's why the words "Easter Egg" were in quotations up there. It's kind of a pun, if you allow that it's still a pun when everyone reading it can't possibly know what you're talking about, and it's not funny.

Anyway, on today's show we're doing another call-in program, where we open up the Dracula hotline to our legions of hissing and spitting fans, who are champing at the bit to hit the open road, get their asses swabbed by TSA, and spend the night sleeping on someone else's couch. Well, we are, too! Come on, we're right here! Swab our asses! Swab 'em! 



Patrick Olsen

hey JF, make sure you call and set up an appointment for round 2 of the shot. I was under the impression that the card they handed me was good enough for letting me get a second dose, however, I got completely fucked over when I came back on the day it said to and they refused to let me get my second dose and now I get to wait until the first dose fully expires and I get to redo the entire damn process. not to mention there's now just a completely wasted first dose on me. anyway thanks for the ep, and hope you're doing well.


Would you guys fricken call me when you're going to do the Call-In live to tape show???? I aaaalwayys miss it and have the best stuff to say!!!

Chris Warren

This was the best call-in show yet. Lots of fun.

Gregory Holmes

Just when I got used to the newer theme song you pull the rug out from under me again!

Irvin Rodriguez

JF's Stewart impression is top notch


That’s crazy you were able to get the vaccine, JF. Here in California / LA, we’re still in the first tiers of deployment, and only essential workers in high risk industries or seriously at risk patients can get it. I don’t imagine I’ll be able to get it for a few months at least.

Sam Cannariato

I'm disappointed my call wasn't included because I "didn't call in" and "don't really understand discord" but whatever. Take my five bucks you filthy animals.

Mark Andrew

Absolutely losing my mind that the See Brush promo music is the christmas carol "joy to the world." lol what???