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Alright gang, time to put up or shut up. It's the What The Fund Poll. Listen to the ep first (or don't, who cares) and let us know which one you want us to "support" with some cold, hard cashola. The winning piece of shit, should it ever exist and get to Tennessee, may get boxed up and shipped out to you! Ask our many happy recipients of crap how nice it is. 

Stupid card game of the month. Not clear at all what the game mechanic is meant to be. Can't wait to play it. 

Roasted Garlic doesn't even seem that hot. Very funny branding though. I do love hot sauce. 

This thing that heats up and pushes your eyeballs in seems like borderline torture to me actually. 

I have no idea what this thing does or why you would need it!! 

My kids would like this, I think. No offense. 


Oat Bran

Come on gang, send em the nasty sauce


When I was younger I used to enjoy rubbing my closed eyes real good with the palm of my hand, and after a few minutes everything would look kaleidoscopey. Eyerest could help me relive some of the greatest times of my life.


I did that too and have really fucked up eyes now wonder why

Dan Gilbert

Funniest item versus best potential content, always a real SOPHIE'S CHOICE

Sam Colburn

When the eye bullshit makes Jesse go blind let it be known I did NOT vote for it and am not morally complicit

Christy Kilgore

Voted for eye thing because I always look like a tired piece of shit so I’m willing to try anything.


I think the nasty sauce will only effect them for a few minutes, I'm looking to give them permanent damage so I'm going with the eyerest