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Oh baby, it's the return of the one and only Sarah Squirm! Sarah powers through an allergic reaction to help us review a Handsome Ryan Reynolds Classic about how cops dying is actually good for the planet: RIPD, and we play a new game requiring screen share, photoshop, and a keen eye for hairstyles. This is the type of shit you get on YKS Premium and I swear to god it better not be anywhere else or I'll sue!




Two Episode 3s?? I love it!

Daniel Dresden

one of your best guests, sounds like you guys are having a real good time!


I wish there was a visual for this one because it sounded like Sarah was streaming from an eyeball room full of clown suits. Anyway great EP.


i own this movie bc teenage me liked ryan reynolds and loved jeff bridges in tron legacy (great film). jesse how does it feel to have the same taste as a 16 yr old girl

Drew Garner

I didn't listen to last Jessuary because I kept telling myself I was gonna watch the movies and then listen to the episodes and then I never watched the movies. Anyway happy to report I haven't seen most of these movies either and it seems to somehow not be important that I've not seen them. 10/10


Sarah Squirm works really well with y'alls style. I could see her as the third host

Sammy Jacobs

another perfect episode, how do they do it?

Harry A

Thought this was an all-timer of an episode. Would love to know what Sarah drew but I guess the mystery is all part of the magic 🤠


keep sarah squirm fire dogboner no offense

Boris Canzano

Ryan Reynolds eyes are on two different heights on his face


Jessie, the next time you tell someone with a medical condition that they’re just imagining it, I’m going to take a dump on your front porch and tell you you’re just imagining it. ☺️