YKS Premium S12E1: Miketober Episode 1: Scanners with Chris James (Patreon)
Hey don't let your head freaking explode! It's finally here! The first episode of MikeTober! Back in February, we treated you to the best of the worst with Jesseuary, a series of JF-approved, action-packed, crack-em-ups that belong on the cable TV in the lobby of the place where you get your oil changed if a coupon comes in the mail.
But the time for merriment and robot-punching is over. Now is the time for blood and pus and guys hiding behind the big curtain going "blahh!" when you open it. Of course, I haven't seen any of these movies, and Mike loves 'em, so he's waiting with bated breath to see if I can be brought over to "the dark side" . Until Halloween, we're having a bunch of our pals on to help us decide which ones you can keep on your shelf with pride and which have to go in the big Goodwill box, and we couldn't kick it off with anyone but our dear friend Chris James.