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I've heard of a bonus, but a BONUS to the bonus? I guess that would make more sense if we called these Bonus Episodes. But, ah, the die is cast. Another thing that was cast? The Big Lebowski, which Mike and Jesse discuss in excruciating detail on this episode -- in between pontificating on what types of heaven there are and God's corny taste in home decor. Finally, the boys announce their big new segment for Season 3 (poll forthcoming). Check it the hell out




hey speaking of 'Chinese Heaven' how about an update on that $200 Mike put on bitcoin a month or so ago

Emmett N.

Twice in one week? What is this, Donald Trump’s visits to the tanning booth? (Because he probably needs frequent trips to maintain his odd coloration)


Go Cubes are actually pretty useful. Drinking coffee before running makes me barf, but if the same caffeine comes in cube form? No barf! I don't think they make me any smarter though, and that's a pretty low bar to hurdle.