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Time’s a funny thing…here I am waiting to eat some dinner. But hours from now, perhaps even years, you might find yourself sitting down to listen to this episode and awaiting a different meal of your own. Breakfast, perhaps; or even lunch. And yet both of us, wherever we are – WHENever we are – know that we likey to eat some yummy food. Heh. Sometimes this big blue marble we call home just makes me smile. 

On today’s episode we’ve got a heap of tech that don’t make much sense at all, some real religious goofball stuff, and a bonus baby project. Hey thanks DB! 

Music for YKS is courtesy of Howell Dawdy, Craig Dickman, Mr. Baloney, and Mark Brendle. Additional research by Zeke Golvin. YKS is edited by Producer Dan. 

YKS Premium - You ain’t seen nothin yet! Ohhh baby you just ain’t seen nothin yet! Grab video episodes and more at Patreon.com/yourkickstartersucks.

Follow us on Instagram: @YKSPod  and TikTok: YourKickstarterSucks


Nic P

You’ve said Wilmington Delaware several times as the place name on this show because that’s where every fake company is incorporated so my town is disproportionately mentioned

Mathieu Debic

Pralines n cream has pecans which, unfortunately for JF, are in fact tree nuts and NOT legumes. But the move to quickly add that peanuts are legumes whenever you mention them is a good instinct.

Daniel Daughhetee

Thanks a lot, fellas, I just cracked up while shelving books at the library when I heard the hoarsely whispered “take it off” on the diaper bag dispenser video. You’ve ruined the peaceful quiet of the public library


can’t believe Jesse Ventura also loves YKS