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Unfortunately JF is lost in the middle of the woulds this week so it is up to me to remember what this one was about. Oh yeah it was about when we saw The Watchers and then I went over Jesses house and complained the whole time about it.

Now to come up with kind of a funny name for the episode thats about The Watchers.. The way I look at it, I'm like why do you even need a title on it you know. Episode whatever Number who cares. But I guess if you're going through the effort you minus well make it the absolute funniest shit of all time. Okay I just thought of one. Pretty good.

Music for YKS courtesy of Wavmage, Howell Dawdy, Craig Dickman and Mark Brendle. YKS is edited by Producer Dan. Art by ExtraNapkins and animation by PremiumContent. Additional research by Zeke Golvin.

Upgrade to YKS Premium to unlock over one thousand hours of content (probably) There's a lot of shit on there. You gonna tell me there isn't a thousand hours of shit on there? It is probably insanely close. Like 900 hours. I would not be surprised if there were 900 to 1000 hours of content on the YKS Patreon.. One episode is like an hour. and theres like a thousand episodes so you tell me.



I’m sincerely sorry for actually believing that Dan would DoorDash cinema hotdogs


a perfectly cromulent shitwaffle of an episode