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[No ads this week in honor of our wonderful Celebs]

Who won? Who was snubbed? Who got up to go to the bathroom and missed their big debut? I’m not sure, I didn’t watch it. But someone should write an explainer of it and tell me! Meanwhile, I’ll be rewatching the only Oscars preview that matters and thinking, “Yep, we really got it right.” Another thing we got really right? Today’s episode! Featuring some bad ideas to put in your mouth, ears, and on your head, we really run the gamut of poorly-conceived cranial accessories. Plus: what’s the perfect amount of chips to eat in a day? The answer may surprise you! And if not please see a doctor. New YKS!

Music for YKS is courtesy of Howell Dawdy, Craig Dickman, Mr. Baloney, and Mark Brendle. Additional research by Zeke Golvin. YKS is edited by Producer Dan.

Upgrade to the Squeeze Louise tier today for access to videos of every YKS Premium, and more! We got a hell of a set-up now and it would be cool if you looked at it and said, “cool set-up!”


Asher Mouat

In all seriousness, hope Dan is alright

Brad Long

Maybe an all-time closing voice mail