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Hey mal what's the best way to contact you?


so...are you not gaining anymore? you've been hovering about the same weight for 3-4 months now


you seem a little sad or tired where is your wonderful smile i hope all is ok for you i send you a kiss 😙


Thank you for all the content Mal! I love the measuring videos! Just curious, do you mind telling us your cup size?


Hope you're doing alright, Mal. You seem disinterested with all of this recently. And I'm not saying that for any other reason than I hope you're doing what makes you happy, and not what people here expect you to do. We're all lucky to receive this content, but you owe us nothing. If nothing is wrong, and you just are tired, then my mistake. Regardless, enough white knighting from me, just keep in mind that you should do whatever it is you want, not always what we want.


that's exactly what seemed to me as well, she seemed a little sad and tired. your words are very accurate and with delicacy i hope all is well for her also. I miss her wonderful smile


Love the videos! Thanks Mal!


Love this you are amazing