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  • Ro Potential Redesign.mp4



It's been years since I last drew my sexy man and I really wanted to make his design feel more me.

Before he was my only character without scales on his upper body, which on the one hand made him SUPER easy to color... but he stuck out like a sore thumb and I love my scale sleeves!!!! That and drawing Rav's Zale & the few times I've drawn my naga version of Maris made me just love a humanoid naga with a line of scutes going down their throat. IT'S JUST SO FUN!!!!

It is hilarious though.... this all started because I initially wanted to give Ro a massive ponytail!

The only color that is exactly the same from the old design are the sclera! Everything else has been altered!!!!

And also a special thank you to Rav suggesting that my sexy man needs a tinge of demonic hotness with a set of horns~




He looks AWESOME. Huzzah for scale sleeves and scutey throat-patches. :}