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the thicc Vane the rookie couldn't keep up with the very experienced Aiko on this semifinal, Vane quickly morphed into one of the other gym sandbags who eat the yellow leather of Aiko's gloves, sadly for the thicc Vane she ended up outside of the ring in a very comfortable postion for Aiko to enjoy after the brutal KO that was coming, sigh, poor Vane i really wanted to see her on the final 🥺🫡 well, so Aiko will be on the final against Amy, who's going to win the final? let me know in the comments 😻💞🥊




Aiko’s definitely going to win over Amy; can’t wait to see it!!


Don´t mess with experienced Aiko! I love the picture where Vanes mouthpiece flies away!😁 Who do i want to be the winner? Hmm... i like them both but Aiko is my long time favourite.