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an extra fight was required to get another semifinalist so Nicole and Danielle even as losers of the past days have a chance, the fight of the worst chins in the gym goes for Danielle who finds herself again on her back and with her arms stiff, Nicole, yes! Nicole to the semifinals! next one Diana with a new outfit against the cheeky overconfident Pamela, the mexican blonde uses only uppercuts to win this fight, i guess why only uppercuts 🤔 and Diana is the next semifinalist, Daphne and Saori a very lewd match from the start, the fight was a very close one but Saori loses by a huge left cross by the "mexican kuroneko" and yeah a free lewd pose at the end 🧐🍷, next one the most shortened up, Tracy wins on another closer match against one of the faves Molly, the swedish silent killer gets a taste of her own medicine and goes out of the tournament, Tracy to the semis! 🫣 your fave gal still on the semis? let me know in the comments 😼😼😼😻




Oh yes! Diana is a new favourite! I´m all in for this blonde girl!


Is Danielle auditioning for the role of new gym doormat? Sheesh.. Yeah, Diana is looking good. Daphne is obviously enjoying herself. And Swedish girl got bloodied and ate some leather...OOF!