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Wendy starts the second round with, well no words to describe it 😉 but the blonde does not like that so she short arms Wendy sending her back, this just went worse for the mexican and gets sent into her red corner falling again, against the brutal punches of the angry german redhead, unfortunately for Wendy just before the 10 count, the blonde is back on her already shaking feet, she is just barely standing but brave enough to continue 😮❤️ next knockdown may be the last for the hopes of the mexican, but lets see what happens 😺😼




Ok, Blondie. Time to start boxing!


Yay Wendy! YES! Great strategy babe! Soften up those mouth-watering melons! Blondie's all confused! She does not know what's coming next, pleasure or punishment! She's yours now! Just don't slip up cause she still has KO power in both fists!