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Danielle's mouth never shuts and has been talking too much about her passion for rocky movies and how good she is, just like Rocky, but Amylynn didn't think that Danielle can win against her, so they had this match where, eventually Danielle turned into Rocky by stopping punches with her face :v and losing by a huge KO punch leaving her folded under her red corner, well well seems like the Rocky fan just got KO'd like him as well! good job Amy! against who do you want to see the american tanned blonde fight next? let me know in the comments :'D




Good to see Amylynn in this shape. Maybe a little more intense training lately? Not wanting to be a punch-bag any more? So maybe she is ready to face the winner in the Wendy/BlondeDestroyer match?


Good win for Amylynn, but I would be careful about putting her in with top tier competition too fast. She could be one lucky counter punch away from sinking back to the bottom of the rankings.


Yay! Danielle is back! Sorry she took the L though! Need to see more of that lovely booty! 😋