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A big part of planning is knowing where you stand and the baseline of where you need to be. 

This table is a guideline that suggests how much a person or household should have saved at various ages based on their current annual household income. It’s often used as a rough benchmark for financial planning, particularly retirement savings.

Here's how to read the table:

  1. Find your current age on the left column,  eg 40 years old
  2. Look at the top row to find your current annual household income, eg 175K
  3. The number where your age row and income column intersect is the suggested amount you should have saved to this pt in time.... 

For example, according to the table, a married couple with a household income of $175,000 per year should aim to have at least $500,000 saved by the time they are 40 years old.

This amount is a target and assumes a certain lifestyle, savings rate, and possibly investment return. It is a benchmark and not a one-size-fits-all recommendation, as individual circumstances can vary greatly. 



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