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Day 18 we can see the most dramatic slow down yet

The good news is GBTC is slowing for now. 

The bad news is all inflows are slowing also.   I expect a pre halving run soon so watch for that and despite this the ETFs are still swallowing far more than is being produced

Below you see we still had a net positive 34.3M into ETFs

IN aggregate still a net positive of 1.7BN and when you add the GBTC dump it is 7.2BN consumed in 18 days.  That is 400M a day on avg. 

And this says it all - 180K BTC consumed in 18 days - nearly the same size as the MSTR bag of 190K on the nose.  That is 10K BTC per day - rem only 900 BTC are mined per day and soon to be 450. 




I'm wondering if this model of "net" inflows takes into account outflow from EFTs outside the US, e.g., Canada?


How about the ads on Superbowl Sunday coming....haven't looked yet but thinking there will be some nice ones