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US takes in about 4T in taxes

At current rates, 34T in debt will roll into a 5% Coupon

Nearly half of all Govt income will be spent on Debt unless something changes fast. 

high deficits → high interest payments → higher deficits → more borrowing → higher interest payments → higher deficits → even more borrowing → (eventually) higher demanded interest rates → even higher deficits → debt death spiral

Per James Lavish




Maybe the govt officials should stop harping on electricity usage from BTC and start decreasing our debt, taxes, and begin promoting healthy lifestyle choices and less Big Pharma....especially that new "weight loss" drug that the country of origin will not promote to their citizens due to potential "stomach issues", but here....they Push it hard. If our gut isn't working, nothing else in our body will work properly.


Our nation is really in a pickle… and then there is all the money we are spending with the border crisis. Not sure how to get out of the money spending spiral. I have a feeling it will get bad… wondering where to move…


moved to bali a year and ahalf ago.. im truelly fearful to come back to the ujited states especilly before the election