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More jumping on the Vanguard #BitcoinIsNotAlignedWithOurBeliefs bandwagon. 

Breaking News: Bank of America, owned by Merrill Lynch, joins Vanguard in denying customers access to spot Bitcoin ETFs per FoxNews

They deny you the freedom of choice from #Bitcoin the #AlphaApexPredator - decision is easy!




Can one sue Gary for this statement? https://twitter.com/BitcoinMagazine/status/1745823166658695565


I am a Bank of America customer, and while I have no love for them I've never yet had an issue with them processing payments to any crypto service whether it was Coinbase, Kraken, KuCoin, Binance.us, Gemini, etc. So they have that going for them.* On the other hand, I'm glad I went with Fidelity for a brokerage account and not Merrill Lynch. *Having said that, I will drop them like a bad habit if I ever receive a "frozen due to suspicious crypto activity" message.