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Beware the following - connecting or engaging with any nefarious NFT or drop could drain your wallet.

As the market heats up, scams will become more prevalent, and people's fear of missing out (FOMO) will cloud their judgment, making them more susceptible to these scams.

  1. Scams: Scammers often use free NFTs as bait to lure unsuspecting users into interacting with a malicious contract. Once the user interacts with the contract, the scammer can steal funds, other NFTs, or even gain control of the user's wallet.
  2. Dusting Attacks: Dusting attacks involve sending small amounts of cryptocurrency to a large number of addresses. While the individual amounts are insignificant, the attacker can track which addresses interact with the dust, potentially identifying hot wallets holding valuable assets.
  3. Malware Installation: Malicious NFTs may contain code that, once interacted with, can install malware on the user's device. This malware can steal private keys, passwords, or other sensitive information, compromising the user's security.
  4. Social Engineering: Scammers may use free NFTs as part of a social engineering attack, tricking users into revealing sensitive information or clicking on malicious links.
  5. Privacy Concerns: Accepting free NFTs from unknown sources can expose your wallet address and transaction history to the sender, potentially compromising your privacy.




Would be great if you could turn off the ability to receive NFTs on wallets. I have no interest in them but I keep receiving them


asuming if you burn them they then know the wallet is hot? is that so