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  • FSD - potential to make Tesla the most valuable company on earth ---- by far
  • Tesla has the best real-world AI team on earth - period (and getting better).

That is all you need to know. 

He was very reserved and abundantly cautious like he always is - I recall him calling Giga Factories huge cash furnaces 1-2 years ago and that rattled Wall St.  He did it again with his Macro fears.  If he is worried - Legacy Auto is dead. 



Love seeing peoples emotional connection to their money. Keep calm nothing has changed


Not well presented imo. But the upside is still the same. Holding and will buy. Like everyone (with exception of some of the polical class) he is rightfully concerned about the Macro and world events. Who besides the profiteers of war and censorship isn't. Elon is allowed a day like all of us to be a bit flat. He won't stay that way.


It was 215 in August so if it doesnt fall to that with a negative earning call id say thats pretty impressive price action


Sub 200's over the next several weeks up until next earnings? Anyone?? @James?? NFA


I bought TSLL ...TESLA 1.5x long maybe a bit early when TESLA was near 215 p share. Elon may be sort of his Steve Jobs- like phase of destroying his Tesla business and needs to get pros to manage it or his X twitter distraction boondoggle so he can concentrate on satellites/ space. His robotics area of Robotaxis FSB was one upped long ago by Asia about 2016 who had mass adoption of Robotaxis by 2022 yet Tesla is still not there nor with their FSB self drive, pickup or small affordable EVs. Robotaxis work in Asia best because of headwinds in USA and because Elon exaggerating timelines. Sadly, North America is devoid of advanced robotic hi speed train style transportation that both Asia and Europe/UK along with small affordable EVs that start around $11,000 with about 12 minutes recharge rate. Optimus robot though nice seems to be another fiction exaggerating by Elon promoting a big Aibo robot that Japan Sony produced/sold with us back in 1999. This as South Korea and Japan have quite extensive AI ROBOTS in place....Boston Scientific and the Japan made Aibo replacement named Archax put Optimus at about 1999 to 2009 level. But maybe if Elon hires pros and does not take on too much micro managing he won't have those bad years Jobs had transitioning from Apple to big failure money time wasting NEXT. Finally, Elon excels in making huge profits (PayPal)at the huge destruction of the environment. He is being sued by Tesla owners for mis representing EV range and has problems with mistreating test monkeys who were basically tortured to death. His EVs look fine long run as now CHINA CATL makes low cost batteries and that is over 40 pct of his cars.


What’s everyone snipe prices at….? James?


with the increase of #BTC value they already will increase in value same as #MSTR


I have been out of Tesla for a while after taking nice profits. Got back in big today, well big for me. May not be the bottom but a lot lower than when I sold.