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Seems like SOL still attracting all the dollars and money still rotating out of ETH




Made a Ton today selling MSTR calls on the BTC spike


You are all not bullish enough on SOLANA! 🇳🇱🌞🤝🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Monster strenght vs all other top coins. If that does not tell something about upcoming bull I don't know man! 🔥💃🔥💃🔥💃 Firedancer not even shipped yet. Mark my words SOL will be the most epic story of this bull run.


That's sentiment I see on Twitter/X. Bullish on Solana. Neutral or bearish on ETH.


Hi James, why is eth unusually weak?


I noticed that on coingecko the overall market cap of crypto has grown by $100 billion since the SEC news broke last Friday. I was hoping for a dip Down to 17.57 but I don't think it's going to get there now. I am hoping to buy more sol on the SOL re-tracement. What do you guys think would be a good level to fill the rest of my bag for a re-tracement on SOL?


Im in believe i will definitely convert my ETH bag to SOL - 50%! This reminds me summer of 2021 when sol went crazy in matter of weeks…


Anyone else making bank today on MSTR long, BITI long ?