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Attention Everyone: Please be vigilant as scammers are becoming increasingly crafty! I will NEVER personally contact anyone. I will NEVER engage in private one-on-one conversations. FAKE A/C above. 

FUN FACT - a more than 2 decade old friend had a 10 week conversation with me on Facebook.  I am NOT on facebook other than my team mges my profile and I have never used Messenger.  He said I did sound strange but he actually thought it was me.  When the scammer started asking him for crypto addresses his alarms went off.  They are patient and cunning. They want your assets. 




I mean take a look at the grammar issues and weird syntax. That's always my first clue and only clue I need. Lololol


Maybe take it as a compliment. If you wasn’t worth a good scam they wouldn’t bother. 🤓. I see the real James. He’d help little old ladies across the road. And not rifle through their handbag afterwards. 😄