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BTC Options, linking halvings & M2, $PLTR PEG ratios, weighing Fantom against Solana's surge & fall, India beckons🇮🇳, #BullRun2025 #CryptoInsights

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🚀 BTC Options, Liquidity, AI📈FTM & SOL Rise, Fall 📉Palantir

#BItcoin #Halving #Solana #Fantom #SCPProfiler #BitcoinOptions #PLTR 👋 JOIN THE FAMILY: http://www.patreon.com/investanswers 📈 IA MODELS: http://www.investanswers.io 📬 IA NEWSLETTER: https://investanswers.substack.com DISCLAIMER: InvestAnswers does not provide financial, investment, tax, or legal advice. None of the content on the InvestAnswers channels is financial, investment, tax, or legal advice and should not be taken as such; the content is intended only for educational and entertainment purposes. InvestAnswers (James) shares some of his trades as learning examples but they are only relevant to his specific portfolio allocation, risk tolerance & financial expertise, may not constitute a comprehensive or complete discussion of such topics, and should not be emulated. The content of this video is solely the opinion(s) of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading equities or cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. Kindly use your judgment and do your own research at all times. You are solely responsible for your own financial, investing, and trading decisions. 0:00 Introduction 01:00 Where to Ask Questions 02:00 If history rhymes again, what would the fair value price of BTC be after the 2024 halving?( Post bull run) 03:00 BTC Fair Price at Halving 04:00 Pantera Targets $148K 05:00 The correlation in this chart is amazing… What if the halvings are not the main driver of the price but M2 money supply? What do you think? My gut is telling me if it is correct this time it might be different (excluding all the tailwinds which are real and may mean it is not different). 06:00 Bitcoin Peak and Liquidity Peak 07:00 Bitcoin and US Presidential Elections More Likely 08:00 PS US M2 Picking Up 09:00 Fed Net Liquidity About to go Pop! 10:00 I bought BTC call options on Deribit at strike 32k (BEP 35K), expiry Jun 24. What odds would you give me of my options being ITM at expiry? I can’t buy more BTC until Jan 24 so bought the options as insurance against them being over 35k by the time I can buy again. 11:00 Rule #1 12:00 BTC Call Option 13:00 35K Level 7 - 60% Probable by June 2024 14:00 I am thinking of buying Palantir stock, do you think this stock has a good growth potential? The PEG ratio is below 1 and it has very little to no debt. Should I buy now at $15.33 or wait for a retracement? NFA. 15:00 PLTR PEG Ratio 16:00 PLTR Earnings & Sales Growth 17:00 Palantir Valuation Math 18:00 PLTR at Fair Value $15.53 / Analyst Tgt $14 19:00 PLTR Play The Range 20:00 Could I get your thoughts on Kujira, please? We don’t see a lot of news associated with the Cosmos chain and I think this project is worth a look. Might be ways for people to accumulate assets at cheaper prices through the way this protocol handles liquidations. 21:00 Self Reported Supply - Red Flag 22:00 3 Reasons SRS is a Red Flag 23:00 Kujira Devs 24:00 No Data - No Measurement 25:00 As an investor, how do you differentiate between the concepts of “running into the burning building” and “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” on a potential buying opportunity? 26:00 Running Into the Burning Building 27:00 Where There's Smoke, There's Fire 28:00 If Solana is a success and doesn’t encounter any technical difficulties going forward is there any point in holding Fantom? With its fixed supply, fantomburn , % fees allocation to dapps, Andre cronje etc it seems like be good potential for a long hold but if Solana does everything better is there any room for serious growth with Fantom? 29:00 SCP Profiler SOL vs FTM 30:00 SCP Profiler SOL vs FTM Part II 31:00 Relative Value 32:00 Ivan mentioned in his statement about SOL and Maker, that he is focussing more on the Dev Activity instead of the Daily Users, since the number is more precise and much more meaningful. What do you think about this and are you reflecting that in the score within your compendium? 33:00 We Analyze Development Heavily 34:00 India is the fifth largest economy and plans to become the third largest economy in the future. Is there any investment opportunities in the Indian market, maybe a close Tesla we should be keeping an eye for? 35:00 India is Future Powerhouse - Here’s Why! 36:00 Indian Conglomerate Risk 37:00 Invest in US Companies Run by Indian Execs 38:00 Helping Animals



$QNT I would LOVE it if you did a "should I buy" and revisit it!


Ummm Russia has a long history of getting into dire military exapansion fights that lose many many lives and hurt its own people. They sent their Navy after Japan which ended up at the bottom of the sea. Then they sent it again with the same result in early 1900s. Russia got a free ticket to weapons helpf from the USA during world war 2, never made effort to pay it back and instead helped many enemies of the USA and world with weapons to inv flict genocide of Georgians, Afghanistan, problems in Cuba now again with China. I think James is trying maybe to avoid that this war would be over had Elon Musk not helped the ongoing so called Nazi genocide that Russia has inflicted on Ukraine and terror to other smaller Nato nations/the world. Do you recall when the first coming of Putin, a KGB dude, name Androphov shot dwon a South Korean air liner in the 1980s calling it a USA spy plane or the recent deliberate shoot downs and then ocver ups of civilain airlines by Russian green men who invaded Ukraine in 2014. Elon actually may be sued by the Ukraine for taking away their i"paid for" Skylink nternet during a raid that would have ended this war last year. Instead Elon helped allow more genocide by a huge nation Russia on its borders. Imagine if we attacked Canada or Mexico like Russia is doing to its neighbor. Elon Musk had to know that thsi was not a Pearl Harbor in no means or way by Ukraine. Pearl Harbor was a first strike and it was done by Japan with loads of warning in advance because we had retricted oil and resources to Japan. In this case the key food resources were in advance and ongoing restircted by Russia. Now more than half of Elon's Tesla are made in China and soon more will of the Polestar EVs will also be in USA coming out of China that already with Asia has a lot of robotaxis and minibuses. So sure hand over the lives of innocents to Putin / Russia who he is destroying his nation's people more than Urkaine. A disaster by one man in Russia and another skylink one in USA. Two genius with the idea of a long war.