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Hey Team

I bought some more Tesla at $245.51

$246 is layer on Layer In Layer Out Model $LILO

Also confirmed on IADSS




I play with options but not a lot bc im not an expert. I know he like leaps bc of the tax implications amd he uses the ia suite plus his own knowledge. I might buy a tesla leap or 2 but it costs more bc your buying time. Like if you buy 1 call jan 2025 260 strike you need like 6 7k. If you buy 5 shares today you need like $1250. He buys both leap options and shares. A lot of people on here do. Just remember options are way more riskier. And the price is way more volatile.


A leap is an option that expires more then a year away from the date you purchase it.


Absolutely love IADSS, trading was so difficult before I discovered this.


What is the time frame on thus chart? And what was the time that the buy signal was given on the confluence model?


Hi James, is there any chance to explain a bit the selection of the trading style and Trend Bias, I agreed with other people comments, when my selection is not necessarily like yours, is there any guide that could help, thanks.


On my 4 hr charts I got no signal at all, but the backtest results are great. If I zoom into the 5 min chart like IA is showing here, I do indeed get a signal, but then my backtest is terrible.


TSLA shorts ripping again for the 3rd day in a row.


"China would never ban iPhones nationwide," we hear the Wall Street analysts with rose-colored glasses opine. "They would never kick out Tesla. The economic cost would be too great." Hahaha. Do you really think Xi cares about that?