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A longtime friend of mine, with whom I've shared many decades of friendship, recently engaged in a 12-week conversation on Instagram with a scammer who cleverly impersonated me. These scammers exhibit cunning and remarkable patience. I am not even on Instagram or FB or LinkedIn etc etc

Just rem I will never reach out and NEVER ask for anything. 




Scumbags. Thanks for the reminder.


Scammed by 02 in the uK and they tried again but I was ready for them second time around. Posted on discord the conversation with the scammer . Sophisticated is an understatement these scum have no morals. Where did it all go wrong?


Goodness, I do not engage anyone! They use all people, all avenues, and any opportunity!!! BEWARE!!!


I got several times on Twitter. I asked James on YouTube if he has more then one account on Twitter, I didn't get any reply. I told this guy if you are James tell me the title of tomorrow's video on YouTube. He couldn't reply, then I told him you are not James, he blocked me. This is before I became Patreon member. But I had paid subscription on Twitter for Investanswer.


Damn…that title makes me sad…lol


But you keep following me James, stop it dear fellow! Love & peace


so many fake impersonating #James guys around….blocked about 10 already.


To anyone that uses Tmobile go into your tmobile account settings and lock your sim card and turn on sim card protection. The default is to allow a remote sim swap if you don't respond to a text messages in less than 10 minutes. The scammers will bombard your texts with 4-500 texts while they do if too. Its insane that Tmobile allows this, I was on the phone with tech support telling them my phone was being sms bombed and please lock my account temporarily. Then i lost connection because of Tmobile 's policy to go ahead with a sim swap if you don't say no. The same policy is what caused the data breach of all the people in the recent bankruptcy with celcius, blockfi, ftx, etc.


Yes, there is an INSTAGRAM account where a fake Instagram account called InvestAnswers posts successful trades he made for friends. Knowing how reputable they are James, I knew right away that this had to be a scammer. I reported the site as a scammer.


It happened to me about a month ago James. I knew straight away it wasn't you.