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A quick Community Update Following an Explosive Day: Key Life Lessons I want to share. 


Patreon Exclusive: Investing Rules of the Road



Love this video. Stay humble.


Thanks James, profound Knowledge there! Much appreciated ❤️


On the bright side... I've nailed sim training with IA tools. I plan to be a more active trader since I'm not facing tax consequences in Switzerland.


Great Video James! You do so much for all of us . Thank you


James, You are the Cool Cucumber 😎 and the top Banana. Thank you, for sharing your wisdom.🙏


Thanks James. I have a really hard time with trading view so I just buy and hold. I do want to take some profits after the halving though. Is holding TSLA for 10 years a decent strategy?


Hey Lucas, where do you live in Switzerland? I’m in Geneva.


Thanks for the inspiring message


What a joke. Btc has already given back half of yesterday's gains. Market suppressors are hard at work


Good Advice James!


Thanks James


It’s been a crazy few weeks for me, but I have been following you for over two years James, and you have enriched my life with an education in finance I could not have received anywhere else. I love trading. Thank you


James I have been regularly watching you for almost a year. I see you growing with almost each presentation. I think this one is your very best so far. I particularly love the way you thank the other members of your team. I like the way you warn members of this community you have created about some risky trading tools you use. For me, your sound, timely advice is much appreciated. You are a very rare human being and you deserve to pat yourself on the back. 🙏 Thank you!


I love these videos when you talk about the psychology of investing from your own experience on video. It is something quite different than reading it. I feel so priveledged to have discovered your work and the community that grows around you. Thank you for keeping on giving to us all 🙏🏻




Short but a very significant part of investing/trading, how to I join the group where you share tools etc? Ive just retired and now have time to work on it