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I am interested to see how TSLA opens in the morning... odds are market will not react as it is so mind-blowing Wall St may not be able to fathom it. 

In all the excitement of FSD12 - I had not even had a chance to ponder the wide-ranging impact of what it did - Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) Beta is using artificial intelligence (AI) to learn how to drive by being fed videos. This is a major step forward for FSD, as it means that the car can now learn new things on its own, without having to be explicitly programmed by engineers.


  • FSD Beta V12's potential impact on Tesla's Optimus technology is insane
  • Tesla's cars learning through AI neural nets and vision, envisioning a scenario where millions of Tesla Bots learn similarly
  • Training a bot by showing them a video eg how to bake a cake or how to conduct brain surgery
  • Then it gets scary - a decentralized intelligence network emerges, with Tesla Bots sharing knowledge globally to become progressively smarter leaving mankind behind

Scary and exciting all at the same time. 




I find the technology very promising but like you I have major concerns. In fact…I have major concerns about the power of monopoly and according to your analysis of the business and what we all know through our collective knowledge of history: the potential for Tesla to hold the global economy hostage is real. We all know that our species has a nasty record of leaping forward without careful consideration of alternate paths and potential pitfalls. Gd knows I have witnessed it in my profession for 40 years and find myself called back to help solve issues that emerged 20 years ago, have been solved in demonstrations over and over then conveniently forgotten when industrial lobby pushes to keep on keeping on. I’ve retreated to my village to stash resources for my family as I go about packing my bags for the great transition. You have a venue to educate others and I can only beg this community of future wealthy people to remember the following: 1) Very few people have the cognitive ability to accomplish what you are doing. The content alone naturally select s those with the greatest capabilities ( abstract thought multivariate analysis of economic drivers, education and more. Yes James, We are either headed to a basic income or the stressed out poor will reach critical mass. All we need do is examine the socioeconomic and educational history of the Mr. T for President masses. Do you, and I’m sure you do; see why the UAW is flexing its muscles? Imagine the threat to membership resulting from autonomous self learning robots in the physical form of assembly workers as already in use in the gigafactory. Then add the same capabilities to humanoid forms as created by Boston Dynamics. While America has allowed gross disparities in education, training , access to healthcare to occur, several genius entrepreneurs with future vision have landed in leadership roles in industries that are crucial to the wellbeing of entire nations. Perhaps this is the result of my generation: The baby boomers who flipped off their government when asked to leave their flesh in Asia in a war that made little sense. We started off with some good ideas then the 80s came along and suddenly “our future looked so bright we needed to wear shades. We morphed into yuppies and grabbed as much as possible along the way. “A Nation of Addicts” a term coined in the late 80s became a self fulfilling prophecy. I remember the fear of not having enough; still have it. That’s why I belong to this club of human beings who gathered up in this community from the far reaches of our planet to listen, share ideas and survive. I am praying (to my personal HP) that those who find great wealth in the future take a deep breath, and enjoy some time exploring their Joy with loved ones and family. Then I challenge you to commune on fixing the World. Start with the fact that any one of us on our own can inflict great damage . If we are granted a creative mind and sound intellect we attract others who simply want to tag along. All that is required then is a spark of fear-rational or not and greed appears. First a whimper from a puppy that grabs our attention but then becomes a growling Cujo who has no concern for anything other than hunger. Stay together and re-evaluate where humanity should go. Will you be content as long as you have yours? Or will you find it impossible to watch the other 75 percent of humanity become enslaved to the wealthy, disease, jails and institutions. How can you use your new “store of wealth “ to create examples of a utopia that is well within our reach if people create safe environments. Will you guard us from unilateral decisions without consulting the masses? Is this what we are witnessing now? I can’t challenge myself to do anything that requires more than a commitment to behave in a consistent, thoughtful and transparent manor a few days at a time and hope to continue working one month at a time with my eyes set on 70. I’m 67, to make 70 is stretching the limits of our current knowledge of how to survive with Myelofibrosis Intermediate 2 high risk. I challenge me to continue observing and describing what I see. American people run amuck, killing each other over traffic jams, the difference in the amount of light reflected by our skin, the fear of broken people asking for a hand up, the perseveration on a red-terror from the 1960s marching down main street and a government that must have nothing better to do than inoculate its charges with life threatening virus. You have a choice. Get on Elons space ship with him and leave us all behind save those with genetics you wish to exploit or Stick around, build Utopia then plan our travel to the stars.


Thank you for your thoughtful post. Best wishes for making it to 70 and beyond. We need the wisdom keepers around for as long as possible.


Thank you for your thoughtful post. Best wishes for making it to 70 and beyond. We need the wisdom keepers around for as long as possible.


I bought some Tesla stock but still own more Bitcoin and SOL than Tesla. The USA has the lowest adoption of EVs at only about 8% while other advanced nations remain considerably higher. Most of the advanced nations chose PVEV plug-in hybrids over EVs because to date/ongoing Tesla and other EVs use mostly abundant and cheap oil/gas. EVs sit unsold for about 91 days while PVEV plug-in hybrids sell in about less than 45 days. Autoweek stated that PVEV hybrid plug-ins/ICE cars during the first 3 years of ownership are about $6000 cheaper a year to drive. Sadly, the USA also has no efficient electric bullet trains or hyperloops in the works...decades behind others. Japan, South Korea and China already have robotaxis with Japan starting limited runs about 2016 to 2017, the USA has none-no commercial scaled robotaxis. FSB from Tesla right now requires a driver even in level 2 unless that changes in the years/months ahead, Asia will remain the leader in robotaxis worldwide as they are already used in some major cities. That said I think if Tesla adopts Toyota/Japan methods it will concentrate on FSB cars that are called KEI cars (small size EVs which are the ones that make to most volume sales for very obvious reasons and save the environment too better than any huge car/SUV). Commercial big rig trucking which Tesla is starting to do may be able to compete or outcompete Asian EV in this area. But robotaxis are for now the pre-existing reality in Asian not the USA. Tesla has missed the opportunity to use well its superior EV tech in key areas.


Short term risk of FSD12, internal bad actor / hacker allows poor video footage be used for AI to learn from, this causes a crash / loss of life, Tesla shares plummet?


Tesla staying undervalued a little longer as well as the pre-halving is like a rocket you want to load as much onto before everyone else notices. Time is ticking fast and this is a gift.


Up 1.01% so far....


Sarah Conner?!


Not that great opening 😕