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Hello Team,

First and foremost, let's remain calm and understanding. It's important to remember that we're all entitled to our perspectives. In this case, this individual has expressed some VERY differing opinions to me, much like Gareth and Dash.

Secondly, it's worth noting that SOL and ADA are distinct assets. This person has a very substantial amount of ADA from their ownership of three very large ADA staking pools, which might be influencing their stance.

Furthermore, over the course of the last year, this individual consistently favored ADA over SOL mocking me at every turn tweeting ADA > SOL. 

They did not catch the opportunity in November 2022.

Lastly, making predictions based solely on something that happened four years ago is not always a reliable approach. In fact it is nonsensical. 

I will always respect each other's viewpoints - but pls dont take it as gospel .

Best regards.




I appreciate Ben's technical analysis on past recessions as they related to bond yield inversion, unemployment (though the numbers are completely off right now) and Fed pause/pivot timing as they all relate back to a market bottom, said recession and market reversal....I think he has some good data there and we may, MAY see lower numbers in ALTs while BTC dominance grows.....if so, buying opportunity, if not....well divergent from historical trends with similar times. I also think this is the first cycle where the Fed isn't printing at ~0% interest.....this time it is different....we'll see how different.


Thanks for your efforts James.


Dream scenario. Drop it. Anything above $8 is just rabate.


The Solana Firedancer will potentially bring TPS from 65k to 500, 000 - 1 million TPS. That's a game changer and will bring some serious use cases and user adoption. The interview with Kevin Bowers talking about Firedancer and future roadmap is worth watching start to finish. Big thanks James for all your hard work and excellent analysis.


Good old Ben. Such a dubious fellow. Lol he means well.


every time Ben says "back", or "historically", take a shot.


Ben is Ben...


In my view, this post comes across as quite unprofessional, and appearing overly personal. Both of you employ different approaches, hold affinities for distinct projects, and maintain varying stances, which is completely normal. This is precisely why I subscribed to both of you. Watching your discussions on DCA has consistently been engaging. There were numerous instances where Ben's predictions proved to be accurate. For instance (top 3): On DCA, you asserted that interest rates couldn't exceed 3.5%, and you suggested that further hikes would result in a catastrophic scenario. However, from the very beginning, Ben predicted a 5.5% rate, and he was indeed correct. You predicted that BTC around 18k has hit the bottom, while Ben foresaw a more significant drop, and he turned out to be right. When you accumulated big bag of SOL around $30, Ben cautioned that it might plummet to at least $10-12. As it turned out, Ben's prediction was accurate. There were many more instances where your predictions diverged, and both of you offered accurate speculations and analyses. Ultimately, determining who was right or wrong isn't of utmost importance. Markets frequently exhibit irrational behavior, leading to common mistakes in judgment. We all make our own investment decisions because no one has a crystal ball. However, dismissing Ben's speculations by arguing that believing in ADA is incorrect is quite inaccurate, and what your stance would be if he’s correct again? This isn't a personal matter. I'm a devoted fan of your content.


Very well said and supported by specific and true examples. Ben's supporters or ADA-HODL'ers are often mocked as some of them were trolling IA/James. But we should be aware that the IA community is not that different, following James' thoughts and choices like gospel. Just read the majority of the reactions above. I'm sure all of us will be winners in 2024/2025 whether you hold BTC, ETH, SOL or ADA.


Ben seems to talk about everything except the dry powder hes been sitting on since the 17k low as has been preoccupied with alts coins.


I like Ben (and Rob, and Guy) -but I really like James. He could be sailing a yacht in the south pacific and sipping margaritas, but instead he is putting in 60 hour weeks trying to give us a shot at at avoiding financial Armageddon. He may not always be right, but who is? He gives us access to the best tools and only charges enough to cover their costs. He is the real deal. My 2 cents.


The most voluble comprehensive analysis and experiences are by far all to James incl. options of course!!! RE, stocks … no one come close to James- my humbled opinion. Let’s give him big respect and admiration for his exclusive, work, devotion and love to us. Thx James! You are the Man, May God Bless Your heart!