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This is no shocker, enterprise software companies sell dreams - not reality. 


  1. Ex-Salesforce VP Karl Wirth is suing the company, alleging false software capability claims and retaliation.
  2. The lawsuit centers around Salesforce's Customer Data Platform (CDP) and its "real-time" processing claim.
  3. Salesforce's Genie CDP software was marketed with the term "real-time" used extensively.
  4. The lawsuit asserts that the software did not function as fast as advertised, with some processes taking hours.
  5. Karl Wirth recommended pursuing the capability in late 2021, but it was clear it couldn't be developed in time for the September 2022 announcement.
  6. Wirth raised concerns about false claims and fraudulent behavior, even considering the violation of federal laws and SEC regulations.
  7. Lidiane Jones, now CEO of Slack, allegedly engaged in a campaign to damage Wirth's reputation after he brought up his concerns.
  8. Wirth was fired hours after a one-on-one meeting with Salesforce's CTO, Parker Harris, about his concerns.


A former executive says he was fired by Salesforce after raising concerns about software said to process and organize customer data in milliseconds: 'It was all a lie.'

The lawsuit alleged Salesforce retaliated against the executive after raising concerns about the product claims.



The source of this information is a lawsuit from a former employee who was fired. At this point, it is just an allegation. It may be true or it may not. The title of your post and the content doesn’t reflect this fact. I suspect there is a backstory about Salesforce.


Not surprised at all...This is bullish for Palantir $PLTR...One of my other key holds


Dont be so nieve therell be two sides to that story


I’ve never believed in that company. That’s pure evil what they did to him.


Back in.


It's like deja vu all over again! Say it ain't so, a [software company, ecommerce company, dot-com, new altcoin, new initial stock offering, NASDAQ listing] selling hopes and dreams! The mind wobbles!


Benioff should go to jail.

