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Just a quick snapshot of my positions




SE - when did you buy ?


Thanks James what does the green highlight indicate? a bigger position?? Also for everyone asking about SE I Singapore based company that’s deeply undervalued and James was considering. He discussed during the fireside chat. Also, James, you still hold Google I thought you sold everything? Anyway, it’s a good company. As for me, I only have Tesla, BTC, SOL, ETHE, GBTC and my company stocks. I continue to watch your portfolio, James thank you for the alerts 🚨


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When did you buy the SE stock James? I don’t recall seeing an IA Trade Alert for this, very curious on this stock.


Thanks for the info on Cleanspark and Sea. You're really great at this!


How do we know what percentage of each stock/crypto is in James portfolio (new to this)


Hi James, I just joined two days ago and this is really amazing content. Probably a weird question but does VOL on your chart means your holdings in USD value. Thank you for sharing.


Vol means Trading Volume as in the total number of shares of an asset that were traded during a given period of time in the market


I wonder why SOLUSD is listed twice with different prices, vol, etc?


James what's with the SEA Limited position? I just sold SEA for AMD after they dipped with the market after the US credit downgrade (even though they beat earnings)...do you think SE has a chance to reach previous highs again? I was just really surprised to see them on your list as a position lol I got out of SEA due to the fact that India banned their gaming business which I think will seriously harm their growth opportunities going forward but curious to hear your thoughts on this one


I'm heavy on cleanspark let's go


If I want to stake Sol on Phantom, what would be the best validator to stake with? I don’t foresee too many issues in the coming month until around 2024, but I’m still cautious.