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Battle of Titans: PayPal vs Block. Don't miss the ultimate FinTech face-off! 

Live at 12:40pm Pacific (PT): 



💰PayPal vs.💳Square: FinTech Financial Masterclass📊!

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Thanks James. I sold my Block stock and bought Tesla at 242.


Thanks James for another jam packed session. I can't believe that JD is allowing this greedy attitude. Well all I can say is I wished my stupid Unis had lecturers of your same talent. I love waking to your shared knowledge and hope I will be here for another three years. MU is too far east to catch you live !


Loved this video and want more please. With the talk SE I thjnk a SE vs CPNG vs Meli wpuld be a good video. Lots of others would be great like SMCI GLBE SNOW CRWD DDOG ZS MDB GTLB PLTR SOFI ENPH


Great video, thanks 🙏 How about Amazon Vs Google? Netflix Vs Disney?


I found this: FYI So, PayPal launched their PYUSD stablecoin today. And everything about this token is WRONG. X Tweet from official Paxos account (https://lnkd.in/e6kV83qr), a company that developed the contract for PayPal, links the contract address: https://lnkd.in/e8KJTFB5 The main contract is a proxy that can change link to implementation contract at any time. Anytime PayPal wants, they can change the token code to anything they want. Both proxy and implementation were developed using a deprecated version of Solidity 0.4.24. This version was released in May 2018, and doesn't have much documentation. There have been 62 releases between the v0.4.24 and the current version 0.8.21. Why they chose this specific and real old version, remains a mistery. Did I say real old? I meant real buggy. There's currently 11 known bugs that were introduced before version 0.4.24 and fixed after this version. Meaning there are 11 known bugs in this specific version. See the full list of known bugs here: https://lnkd.in/eBmncEYd... And of course, there might be even some others that we don't know about yet. @ Post


I don't know the real truth in this but I am copying a post from LinkedIn which may change things with the Paypal coin "As it turned out, PayPal's controversial PYUSD coin contains malicious code that enables PayPal to retain control over users' funds at all times. As apparent in the fraudulent smart contract of the PYUSD coin, it contains several malicious functions including one called "setAssetProtectionRole" that allows PayPal to transfer users' coins into their own wallet at any time:" https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jaybest1_paypal-pyusd-fraud-activity-7094680023143432192-2dJN/


I know it is not available in the UK and I think I will stick to others until this news is flushed out and tested. I would also like to know what others have to say on the matter as there is so much I don't know about the topic.