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You work 8 hours to live 4.

You work 5 days to enjoy two.

You work all year to have a week of vacation.

And so you work all your life to retire, of course, if you're lucky.

And so you live, waiting for your last sigh.

You spend your whole life to please others.

As soon as you are born, they already do everything,

make you forget yourself.

And so, first they tie you to the family,

then to religion, then to science,

then to the homeland, then to work,

to the state, to customs, to a partner, to children.

Later, only longing, regret, bitterness and death remain.

You finally realize

that life is just a parody of itself

a man practicing his own oblivion.

So maybe it's worth it now

start living life full of passion,

intensity and joy.

Be happy here and now.

Problems, contradictions, difficulties, absurdities, disappointments, hard times will alwa



Deep stuff


Ben Franklin: In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.


That is sooooo true. I have been through all that practically and I feel I wasted all my life... oh boy


Life is temporary and difficult, I am 68 and lost my older brother and Father during the last 3.5 years! I have Assurance of Salvation through my belief in Jesus! Romans 10:9-13 Thank you James for sharing this and it is very thought provoking!!


Sure life can be difficult at times and I guess it depends on how you look at things, but I couldn’t possibly disagree more. Everything she’s listing as negatives I consider positives and if you believe in God and try to live a good life, the best is yet to come.


I like Alan Watts’ take: «We thought of life by analogy with a journey, a pilgrimage, which had a serious purpose at the end, and the thing was to get to that end, success or whatever it is, maybe heaven after you’re dead. But we missed the point the whole way along. It was a musical thing and you were supposed to sing or to dance while the music was being played.»


It looks like this copy was cut short. Can you edit it so we can see the full length version?


Very apt in this day and age!


Reality is what you get when you step out of your OWN front door. ~ It is what You see... YOU experience. And not anyone else. ~ You make your OWN reality... through how you as an ENTITY process stimuli... In this Simulation of Energy that is... as we call: "LIFE" x'D~ God Bless and Happy Trading!


Wish I got to see the end


Currently on my third retirement. I keep coming back because I enjoy owning my own businesses and have lots of ideas that interest me.


Its a different perspective, but i still respect people who find purpose and fulfillment in the cited activities. Different life models are like different horses for different courses. No ´one size fits all’. No right or wrong. Down to the individual to select the appropriate ´raison d’etre’. Down to society to figure out how we all coexist with our various models and viewpoints. 😊


I’ll print this out and add it to my mind board along with if ,don’t quit ,and the man in the arena x x


Great sentiment and well put. I have managed to chip away at some of those figures!


Great post! Ask Sanjay’s wife to write more of those! That will be a good add-on to investment posts in our community! Very refreshing, aka “keep on chasing alpha, but dont forget about most important”


I do not work for myself. I work by choice to make the world a better place for my children. Obey God and enjoy him forever, this is the highest goal of humanity.


True words…


Thank you for reminder. We often do forget simple things and work so hard or even invest to gain in future, all for naught if we not careful to practice most important thing:


Be happy here and now.


Somber thoughts of introspection


True true ... time to take matters into ones own hands 🤜🤛


Happiness is not a destinstion. Its a journey.


Bitcoin solves this.


Most will be happy putting the sign 'gone fishing' on Wednesday in front of their executive office door.


I like being tied to my wife and kids, if it weren't for them not sure what life is for


Thank you! The reason I started investing in crypto. After almost 40 years of working, I no longer want to be a slave to the system


So buy meme coins ?