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Tesla announces the completion of the "first Cybertruck" at Gigafactory Texas.  This is big and in time for earnings next week - TESLA is up in after hours. 

This suggests that Tesla might be ahead of schedule in the production timeline for the electric pickup truck.

The initial timeline indicated production starting "this summer" and a delivery event around the end of Q3, likely September 2023.

Suppliers were previously informed to expect Cybertruck release candidates in late August and production in early October.

Despite potential progress, Tesla may focus on fine-tuning production and the supply chain for a smoother ramp-up.

The final specifications and pricing for the Cybertruck have not been updated since the 2019 prototype launch, and updates are anticipated at the delivery event, likely attended by employees and insiders.




damn I'm waiting for your sniping layer to kick in but we might be in the 300+ soon


Can’t wait to watch the TSLA CALL I got 🤑Might buy more first thing Monday morning


I call dibs on it. My order was placed in October 2019


Thanx James!!!!


My son has an order from the first orders taken, can’t wait to see it fulfilled and I get to test drive it some day.


Ooowwww I wanna try it out , looks 😎


Anyone know what a cyber truck cost in todays market?


Good to see this finally coming to fruition. Looking forward to seeing this thing cruising around my hood.


This is cool but I remain totally unconvinced. - Price yet to be announced - I expect half the pre-orders if not more will evaporate once price is announced - Beside a bunch of #ElonMusk cult followers, I really cannot see where the demand for this beast will come from. The typical truck buyer is not exactly forward thinking - I model 50k models will be sold in next 3 years, but not more. I see no reason to think it will not be a massive flop Happy to be wrong but calling it as I see it


Tesla drivers are the worst. They’re the new BMW. Got cut off, car tail-gaiting you too close, driver not paying attention to the road?… More times than not nowadays it’s a Tesla.


Don’t think there will be a demand problem. There are a lot of cars running around at ridiculous prices that don’t have the specs of this beast.


Well, there are a few assumptions in there but if half of the pre-orders evaporate then that will still leave 800,000 orders and assuming a conservative average price of $50k that would yield revenue in the region of $40 Billion. Maybe the typical truck buyer isn't forward-thinking but if they see this thing out dragging ICE sports cars and with enough torque to tow a house they may come around, after all, the typical ICE buyer wasn't forward-thinking until they did the maths on price, performance and economy :-) Just my 2c and no, I don't own a Tesla..........yet!


Let’s. Freaking. GO!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Tesla‼️🔥


2 stroke engines float my boat and Tesla shares.


No kidding. What was I thinking on that and nvidia and Meta. Was so gunshy. Should of been Buffet when blood was in the water


As a Tesla driver I can confirm that I used to be a bmw driver and am in fact the worst.


Hey James when you get yours, could you do a walk round? Would love to see it and to see you buzzing! All the best 👍🇬🇧


That's a pretty broad generalization for a car that's very popular, meaning lots of different types of people are driving it. No surprise if the cohort who likes to drive fast on public roads that enjoyed BMWs for that reason have now come to like a Tesla. This is a common thing in car culture for motor heads - once they start learning about a new "cool car" and seeing it in their magazines, car shows, and friend circles, it picks up momentum. I don't think it's the other way around - ie: buy a Tesla and want to cut people off. I do hope the car's safety features can improve this type of behavior, but unsure as those types of fast & dangerous drivers are likely to disable the safety features when driving since "raw control" is valued. Wonder how Tesla as a company and their AI platform will reason with this cohort if they have a fraction of infractions or accidents, as they will have all their driving behavior data...


I'd say we're entering the optimistic phase of things.... Everyone is beginning to realize Tesla is a good idea. They are just now stuck w ambivalent behavior as they attempt to reason buying more shares or not.


Jim Cramer is exploring right now. ;)


Damn it I just sold a little. Now buy buy buy 🤣


There are over 1.6 million pre-orders, even if half evaporate as you suggest that still leaves circa 800,000. That's a tad more than 50k


Kia is making affordable electric cars these days and Toyota left its partnership with Tesla when it found battery tech and build reliability did not make these vehicles a good buy for its clients. It seems the lithium ion battery weight/repair costs and insurance yearly costs make the vehicles out of reach for the majority. Maybe Tesla new lower costs models will start to turn that around. 1. Weight of batteries cause more wear and tear on front end, tires need replacing about 3x to 4x more often/repairs can take many weeks with higher costs than ICE / hybrid cars, 2. One could buy any Toyota Prius Model even one from circa 2007 ongoging put in lithium ion batteries and get mileage over about 62 miles per gallon including low insurance /tire replacement costs and low repair / tire costs. 3. Clean PM 2.5 air/ecology- the current electric heavy cars (not including the lighter ones like K cars) hurt the environment. This because tires that wear fast are made of Petroleum (pollution related) that are worn down fast into PM 2.5 polllution. 4 Yearly insurance costs seem to be almost double to own Teslas insure rates at this time due to high repair/replacement costs. 5. Though fires are rare fromt he batteries, they happen and shut down roads for hours due to higher heat fire depts cannot put out these fires. Does Tesle charging stations use solar clean energy for the majority of those recharge stations where charge times take almost an hour of wait?


Random question: will this still have 6 seats?


What a great cyber truck team photo ❤️


Let FOMO run


Hi John you make some very interesting claims could you please cite the research for claims especially the tyre one I don’t hear the same from my Facebook Tesla group in Australia


Awesome news so exciting for a new generation of vehicle to be hitting the market in mere months now. Remember that typically the first few hundred vehicles produced on the man line will still be regarded as pre-production (although at some point Tesla may decide to also sell these at a later date - like many of the model Y pre-production models)


Fomo will be the order of the day


Is that what the truck really looks like or is it inside of a shell so nobody can see it until they unveil it to the public?


You mean the shapes? It's that shape/model yes. I'm waiting for the final specs, but the model itself has been clear for some time now. It will standout as nothing else. It could be a winner, I like it, but it will also throw of many people.


This truck is so ugly but I’m invested in Tesla so let’s get this money.


I agree. Invest in Tesla, but if that’s what the truck looks like, I don’t know?


I agree, it does look very quirky.... But, i suppose if we're forward looking, this will be normal and a common sight


I tend to HATE new models of cars (from any manufacturer)initially. I think it is because I get used to certain styles and hate change. HOWEVER, I often get used to and then appreciate new designs over time. Most pick-ups look fugly, IMO. Boxy, old fashioned, and all the same. Although this new Cybertruck looks super strange at first, I have to say that I’m beginning to like it a lot. It’s going to make traditional trucks look super outdated in a very short time. I can’t wait until I see those driving around.


I live in Austin I can't wait to see them driving around!!


Want one


Tesla has to come to the realization that their current electric engine and the weight of batteries make it unreliable over most of its models to be favorable for the environment and budget like Toyota Prius is ongoing since about 2007 Gen 2 technology. Simply, Combining the lightweight technology of the Aquarius FPLE with the existing fuel-efficient technology of the hybrid Toyota Prius could potentially result in a lighter car with an extended driving range. The car would be almost pollution free (comapred to all their models) In terms of the Toyota Prius, the 2023 model offers exceptional fuel economy and has a base powertrain of a 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine and an electric motor with a combined 194 horsepower and 139 pound-feet of torque (FWD models) 2. It also has available lightweight 19-in. aluminum alloy wheels designed specifically for Prius which Tesla cost of often replacing tires due to weight is a huge drag along with higher insurance costs.


I don't know where to start debunking these statements - so I won't bother.


The information about Tesla weight/torgue/cost of repairs/use of fossil fuels at charging stations. It is more practical real life information found in machanic groups online and about the vehicles cost of ownership and in context of pollution . It does not inlcude the first years of builds when the cars were made to last longer. Tesla's vehicles are far heavier than hybrid/ICE designs and this simplely translates into tires and front ends components (made from earth'sresources) needing more cost and frequent maintenance. Reports show that when one needs the repairs to front end it costs far more and the wait line can be over a month compared to hybrid /ICE cars. Tires that last 1/3 as long and are made from petroleum can be easily addressed with lighter weight vehicles ( I cited over 2 decades ongoing of Toyota Prius tires) but once you move to the bigger Y models and heavier the ride comfort tself also gets worse than lighter ICE/hybrids. Musk metions many years ago that solar panels on a small area of land could power the eintire USA, but most of his charging station do not use solar so when one is charging they are using a polluting resource. Bttom line is that you pay more up frond for Teslas (until maybe these recent price cuts) and you end up polluting as much if not more from lithium mining destroying water tables and creates water shortages.