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Could be one of the most important IA Newsletters (via #Substack) you will ever read - and it's free.  Basically summarizes my trading methods and discipline. 

My top investment tips for massive gains:

1️⃣ Snatch quality assets at amazing discounts during bear markets

2️⃣ Supercharge returns & tame risks with options trading

3️⃣ Stick to your system, process, and tools for consistent success

Talks thru some of the trades where I've scored 1,000%+ returns! 

Read it here: https://open.substack.com/pub/investanswers/p/recap-best-trades-of-2023?r=q9ccl&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web



I own eight stocks, with 98% of my holdings in only five tickers I prefer to make fewer trades, hold few positions, and use options to amplify my returns and manage risk Bear markets creates opportunities to buy quality assets and great discounts If you value Tesla in proportion to



Great read.


Is Tesla still a good buy after the run up ? I would like to put some money to get some return by 2025


yes I would like to buy some Tesla too.I do not want to buy if a drop too


NFA, but if you need to exit in 2025 maybe wait for sub $170 in next 12 months. I am buying now and looking to exit in 10 years.


NFA, but if you need to exit in 2025 maybe wait for sub $170 in next 12 months. I am buying now and looking to exit in 10 years.


Besides tsla which stock do you consider has the highest alpha at this time or at a particular price point? Nvda? Apple?


James your the best, such mega Alpha 🙏


I appreciate you James! 👏🏻💕


James, serious question, do you know any transvestites in crypto community, because I can spot a lot of them?


I wonder why your insight into traditional markets is so accurate yet not so much in crypto?


Just catching up on the streams after my road trip This was outstanding James All your guidance from the last years condensed into one epic knowledge drop Fantastic


Very simple: because Crypto is not based on fundamentals but on who can pump it harder on YouTube…. In the short term it is impossible to predict people greed to get rich quick. (So many people I know are in $hit coins…) On the long term: cream will float to the top.


Pretty sure he's in the top 3 cryptos. BTC, ETH, and SOL. Do that and wait.


James, thank you for your tireless efforts on our behalf. I have learned to be more patient and take less trades because of your mentorship. Please take heart, we are listening!!


I’ve been a follower for two and a half years. I fomoed into Crypto with leverage on Celsius September ‘21. In one day I lost 1/3 of total assets in October ‘21., it could have gone a lot worse. I should have been here long time ago. This video sums up everything I’ve learned of the show and I’m now 100% committed to this community and to learning of James. Thanks James for all you efforts. Happy to finally be here.