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Unmasking Fake Data: Explore the world of deceptive numbers, false information, and discover how to shield yourself. Join the Bitcoin revolution and protect your truth!

Live at 2:20pm PT:



🚨 Don't Fall for Fake Data! Protect Yourself 🛡️

#Macro #Bitcoin #Inflation #Deflation #Jobs #Cost #UBI #InflationisTheft #MoneyPrinting 👋 JOIN THE FAMILY: http://www.patreon.com/investanswers 📈 IA MODELS: http://www.investanswers.io 📬 IA NEWSLETTER: https://investanswers.substack.com DISCLAIMER: InvestAnswers does not provide financial, investment, tax, or legal advice. None of the content on the InvestAnswers channels is financial, investment, tax, or legal advice and should not be taken as such; the content is intended only for educational and entertainment purposes. InvestAnswers (James) shares some of his trades as learning examples but they are only relevant to his specific portfolio allocation, risk tolerance & financial expertise, may not constitute a comprehensive or complete discussion of such topics, and should not be emulated. The content of this video is solely the opinion(s) of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading equities or cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. Kindly use your judgment and do your own research at all times. You are solely responsible for your own financial, investing, and trading decisions. 0:00 Introduction 01:00 The Story 02:00 Amplify Your Intelligence - Subscribe to the Channel 03:00 WSJ - Jobs Galore 04:00 7.6 Million Americans have 2 or more Jobs!!! 05:00 TRUTH BOMB: Jeremy Siegel On Jobs Report 06:00 Jeremy Siegel Math 07:00 JP - Wages Are the Problem! 08:00 Fed Hikes 09:00 BLS Clueless 10:00 BLS BS - Astronomical drops in Hourly Comp 11:00 Woops! 5% to Minus 0.7% 12:00 JP Bone to Pick was Nominal Wage Growth 13:00 Manufacturing In The Pooper 14:00 No New Orders - Economy Dying - Fed “all is fine” 15:00 Confirmation of Death 16:00 German Retail Sales Following Sweden 17:00 Speaking of Sweden 18:00 EU Unemployment 19:00 Crazy Deflation in Germany 20:00 Strong Disinflation in USA 21:00 TAXES down 10% 22:00 RRP 23:00 Reserves to Contract More than RRP 24:00 Treasury General Account Rebuild 25:00 4 Trillion Coming 26:00 Not Just USA 27:00 So Far 28:00 3 Kinds of Lies 29:00 Job Growth in Lowest Paying Jobs 30:00 Cost of Supporting a Child on a Hospitality Job 31:00 Percentage of US Population Dependent on Govt Assistance in 2023 32:00 Percentage of US Population Dependent on Govt Assistance in 2030 33:00 Enter UBI 34:00 Conclusion 35:00 UBI Answer is FedNow 36:00 Inflation is Theft 37:00 The Escape



Watch for fake moms too!


Fake mama


What????? We r getting paid too much??? Inflation goes up, while insurance companies do not pay anymore than before. JP sounds like a total jerk. Either they are dumb or they are lying. I am w the second one.


Hi James/Community - Question on SOL. Why does Messari say the Circulating Supply has increased from 340M to 397M in the last year? Thats a 16% increase. Compared to other tokens on Messari it's not great. Only thing I can think of is unlocks? Could you do a video on circulating supply and tokenomics of SOL?


Sometimes animation is appropriate James! Thanks for the information and inspiration!


KPM on steroids ! You were on fire today James. Tnx 4 all the work you guys do and share. Scary data and times we live in. Even worse is all the people sleeping and have no f'ing clue whats coming!!


yes I can- key is to measure Inflation as of this moment. If we go back a year to today it is different. The Go Fwd is what matters.


terrifying data and they are printing another 4 Trillion which will reduce our purchasing power by another 11.6% - so sad


I guess those people who "sold in May" were right


Incredible video and information! Thank you for all the work you and your team put into these videos. It is the highlight of my day!


great video, everything you talk in the video it is true


This sounds like it has potential. Lets hope the US is working on this as well At Shanghai Auto Show 2023: #China’s #CATL displays game-changing semi-solid state #battery (density = 500 Wh/kg) for electric passenger aircraft, paving way to #sustainable air transportation! https://twitter.com/China4Tech/status/1650084207098572801


James, Excellent video. My guess it may be a good time to have a small amount of rich land in an area with a highish level of rainfall. A few chickens, ducks, rabbits and maybe a goat or two? (No cows due to excessive methane release.)Ideally by an ocean to take advantage of oceanic protein and plant resources?