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Meanwhile in USA Politicians are beginning to speak the truth!!!!

Representative Brad Sherman believes that Bitcoin is created out of thin air and that the US government is the final decision maker on what money people can use.

Sherman's comments highlight how disconnected politicians have become from their duties as civil servants.

Bitcoin was created to combat the problem of governments and central banks abusing their ability to print dollars out of thin air.

Bitcoin is not conjured out of thin air. It requires a lot of work to produce a bitcoin.

Bitcoin is here to de-fang the ability of politicians to debase our savings and self-fund their sadistic war mongering across the world.


Issue #1342: Bitcoin doesn't come out of thin air

Every once in awhile those in power take their masks off and show the world who they really are. Representative Brad Sherman from California did just that today when he admitted that the US government prints money "out of thin air".



The poorer people get the more they vote for dictator types out of desperation, unfortunately. Vicious spiral.


Had to look up the clown.... seems Sherman says, "House Republicans are threatening to wreck our economy unless they can force cruel cuts that hurt families, which is why I voted against the Default On America Act,” I'm not saying the Republicans are the answer either I lean more libertarian but agree more with the right/Rep than left/Dem on most every issue of consequence. Obvious from this quote that Sherman doesn't like budgets being cut to lower the impact of debasement on the people.


Spot on, James!


They open their mouths...and my belief in the need for BTC grows stronger... all roads lead to BTC


I'm afraid all roads are leading to a CBDC so the Government can monitor and control OUR money.


They've forgotten the CIVIL and SERVITUDE part


Corruption is the real enemy and it's so corrosive for trust, for governance and for a civil and civilised society.


This is so messed up he forgot we pay tax and that how he gets has a job and gets paid. He is not serving the people, especially now that the printer is printing his money! What he said is so unethical to other civil workers and any citizens! He needs to get grounded!


News.com.au is predicting 3 weeks until global catastrophe https://apple.news/AD5lFwHJZTtqX0r-ysN2kmw


Crypto means hidden money https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6TCWmCDUBi0


Scumbags the lot of em. Hold on tight to your crypto. It angers me how most just let them do what they want. They are supposed to work for us same in the UK and other so called democracies


I just love the game theory. The fact that this politicians thinks he’s still in control is brilliant!


“ These people truly believe they rule over us. The concept of them working on behalf of the American people doesn't even register in their minds anymore.” - put so eloquently


This guy is a complete POS


Careful with the political talk James. While I don't entirely disagree with your points, talking politics and religion is not what I'm here for, leave that shit to everyone else, stay focused on the numbers. Cheers mate.


James' post highlights "why" BTC. (Patreon comments section is a different story) James' post totally justified IMO. People need to know when any politician says the quite part (our $ is fake/ponzi made out of thin air) out loud


If and when Sherman turns, we must be humble to the fact that he finally will understand what BTC is and what it represents = Financial Freedom


So f'd up! "But we're the US government" with a freaking smirk. Go to hell Sherman. You work for us! Not the other way around. The govt is afraid that crypto will take away its only true power... the power of the money printer.


They will find a way to track your crypto transfers. If you have KYC'ed your wallet addresses are known, so they will trace transfers of funds from and to your wallet. DeX is the only safe way as far I can see and from that to a new hardwarewallet which you have never used to make any payments or transfers to CeX.


Thanks Ben that’s an area that wouldn’t be so bad if James didn’t constantly and continually say he doesn’t talk politics. Completely agree with Ben. James’s added commentary diminishes the importance of the information and strengthening the cult like nature of his followers.


Which stable coins are not considered a security? In other words, used for payments. The feds consider USDC a security. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em444cyoaRU&ab_channel=CoinBureau


It seems to me it is all tied together--politics, money, religion, power and control. It's hard to separate it out these days.


If a politician is moving his/her lips you can assume that they are lying but with that said governments around the world will destroy anything in the way of keeping their way of life going


LOL Sorry, Bradley. Nobody should have absolute power.


This guy is secretly terrified of the inability to control Bitcoin. (and i love that!)


"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." Upton Sinclair


I just signed up for a crypto account with fidelity. You can trade crypto on it, but you can't transfer crypto from another exchange to Fidelity yet. That is a bummer. It would have made it an easy way to get crypto back into USD if I wanted to. What is the best way to be able to convert some back to USD? I'm concerned about these stablecoins.


I wanna be just like Brad Sherman when I grow up …


Amen. Look at the look on his face, smug m***** f*****!