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Maximizing profits in investing requires more than just knowledge of the market. Understanding the mind is key, this video explores the secrets of mastering the mindset of #Crypto and #Investing. #InvestingMindset #CryptoProfit #MaximizeReturns https://buff.ly/3KI7fsT


How to Master the Mindset of Crypto & Investing

Investing #Money #Psychology #Crypto #MindSet #HowToSucceed #Emotions #FOMO #Success #decisionmaking 👋 JOIN THE FAMILY: http://www.patreon.com/investanswer...



Thanks James, this is really one of the important thought provoking video.. I started seeing the difference in not investing in self to learn about the stock market/Cryptocurrency.. would be very helpful if you can suggest good books to start on this journey


Thanks James. Just wondering when we can go on Binance or what ever platform you use and see 95% less coins to buy. Can't wait for that day 🤔😌


I think in some way Warren B's reasons for hating Crypto have changed since he's now essentially losing billions on his banking stocks, not only due to the disruption of the banking system due to defi and crypto, but also due to the almost pathological hatred of crypto by politicians which is also due to the decentralised nature of crypto which makes it impossible to control, and if there's one thing that enrages a politician more than anything else, it's the inability to control the populous. I think Warren initially hated crypto because he realised he'd missed an opportunity (FOMO) OR he hated it due to his technological blindspot, he simply does not understand it and cannot value crypto in the same way he's valued traditional businesses so dismisses it out of hand rather than taking the time to adjust his methodology and theses. Operation Chokepoint was both a cause and effect of these two. Warren lost money due to the collapse of banks as a result of overzealous political and financial measures designed to snuff out crypto. Hilary and a large number of other politicians are enraged by the threat they see to their power and control mechanisms that crypto and defi pose to them. It seems likely now that those in power who see, not only the innovation and disruption of crypto and the technological benefits they bring, but also the increasingly popular adoption of BTC and other digital assets in light of the accelerating move away from traditional banking structures. Politically, the winners are those who embrace the populist zeitgeist and I think we know where that is going after the tremors in the financial system and increasing mistrust of institutions. Sovereignty will become more important to more people as the world changes. As always I appreciate what you do and especially when you try so hard to help those who oppose your efforts and your point of view, it's almost like being bitten by a wounded animal that you're only trying to help, sometimes the human animal just does not understand the help that is being offered ;-)


One of your greatest hits today James! Love it! 😍 For those that are serious about creating life changing wealth, this video is a must watch.


Thanks James that was a master class. Been investing for > 30 years and have learnt so much from you in the last few years. Appreciate what you do.


My portfolio was a complete mess before I stumbled upon your wonderful channel. I’m still learning but thanks to you and the team, my strategies and decisions are now evidence based. Taking the emotion out of my investing is definitely working and I can’t thank you enough for that.


Great video as usual, (when you mention then number of live viewers remember that many of us are not in your time zone and can't watch live, although we wish we could.) Why do Buffet and Hillary hate BTC? I'll take a guess... Warren hates it because he has not taken the time understand the first new asset class in a century. It challenges his concept of the market place and shows the weakness in the fractional banking system, among other things. Hillary does not like it because she is interested in power and she is afraid that BTC will challenge the power base, or establishment as she knows it. BTC and the blockchain risks to change the system of power and the centralised financial system that the two of them are involved it. On a different note, your channel has become established as a very clear voice critical of the market place, because you only deal in the math, which is difficult for other voices that are not data driven to accept. try not to let the critics get you down, by far the majority of those on your channel love you, stay safe.


Great video James! Thanks for all the effort that goes into these, long time YT viewer and now Patreon! Onwards and upwards :)


Amazing video Jim! Tap dancing shoes, quant and love to all ✨ KPM off the charts on this one


This video is so amazing. As I look back at my 2021 entry into crypto, I was overcome with FOMO, and I am an experience trader (traditional markets). Now I look back, can make constructive criticism on myself and work to improve. Thank you so much for putting into words exactly what we all need!


Learned so much from your channel James. Appreciate yours & the team’s efforts to share you knowledge


Great job James. It may not feel good but the truth does set us free.


Thank you, so important. People not understanding this will loose money, so I did in the beginning. James this is great stuff.


Hi James, Essentially I watch/listen to your wonderful comments perhaps a few days after they are released on Patreon. Yep, not/never a trader. For me, watching your Patreon “edutainment shows”, essentially, re-confirms a mix of being updated by you after being stacked on top of past experiences.For me, a winner. Of course, the accent is quite familiar.😊


One of your best James, and I've watched them all.


Very interesting


James - this was great. Thank you for all the time, effort, and expertise. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.


Excellent video 👍