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Doing a quick discovery into the growing pension problems around the world. It is something we all need to be aware of to plan ahead.  The future however will have an uphill battle, so people need to prepare.

I will look at Data from France, Chicago (a microcosm of the US) and the USA. But countries all over the world are facing the same issues.

Like France's Social Security system, the United States faces demographic challenges. It follows a pay-as-you-go model where the current workforce funds the benefits for retirees. However, the replacement rate in the US is lower, at 51% of preretirement earnings, and it has been running a deficit since 2021. Trustees project that the system's combined reserves will be exhausted by 2035 unless new revenue streams are established. Given the concerns about the solvency of Social Security, some people are opting to withdraw from the system early.

However, unlike France, the US has alternative options. Many companies and local governments offer pensions or tax-advantaged retirement plans such as 401(k)s to encourage workers to save for their future. According to the OECD, when combined with Social Security, these plans provide an average of 96% coverage of earnings.

Certain places have extreme issues eg CHICAGO: Although there are assertions of Chicago's financial condition improving, the city's fiscal future is still overshadowed by the significant pension debt of $48 billion for its primary retirement systems.

A large portion of property-tax revenue, approximately 80%, is allocated towards pensions in Chicago. However, the city's four pension systems possess inadequate assets to cover merely 25% of the amounts owed to current and retired workers. This percentage is lower than the assets held by Detroit's pension funds when it filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy a decade ago.

Chicago's Unfunded Pension Liability is Exploding

So is the US in general - about 956,000 of Debt Per Person!!!!  YES $1M

Problem is Demographics, aging populations and increasing costs:

In France, like most other places on Earth there are not enough workers to support those retired due to negative birth rates - As people live longer and the population grows older, the number of active workers who fund each pension check is shrinking. According to the government, France had more than four workers for every retiree in the early 1960s. That figure stood at 1.7 in 2020, and it is projected to fall to 1.5 over the next decade, according to an independent panel of economists, lawmakers and union leaders advising the government on pensions.

SO to fight this - they are increasing retirement ages and of course taxes eg Chicago Property Tax - and an insane 80% of property-tax dollars in Chicago go to fund unfunded pensions - not much money left for anything else.

I fear more crime, more poverty, more desperation as we go fwd unless governments can stop reckless spending and reckless taxation. Reckless taxation only makes tax payers move to a cheaper jurisdiction.  Hardworking families will flee these regimes in huge numbers along with businesses if this madness continues. 

Sorry for the grief tidings on this Easter Weekend but it has been on my mind. 




Is it time for a RON series/video about how much of a blend of crypto and equities one needs to retire well by 2030? In this macro environment it seems like we will have to figure this retirement thing out for ourselves and governments are going to run into significant issues with it. Pensions and social programs can only be funded by firing up the money printer.


I love my Social Security. Destroying SS will increase wealth inequality which is already problematic. You guys need to think this through. Some people will not save for retirement. But they will still be here. Ergo, crime, despair, social problems. So Social Security = social security.


Gordon Brown (Ex UK Chancellor) many years ago famously said there was too much money in the pension funds and decided to take some money out for other expenses to keep the Labour Party in power. In the UK retirement age has increased from 65-68 because there’s no money in pot. I was planning to retire at 55 on my private pension but they have increased that to 57 now. Hopefully my BTC will cover the 2years I now need


I fear that young boomers like myself and you James and everyone younger than us is screwed. SS and pensions will be decimated. I've been sucking hind tit all my life. My brother ten years my senior and his clan soaked up everything.


One very important issue. Less children being borne. The children will pay the taxes which finance pensions. That is for instance the German and other european countries policy.


It doesn’t sit right with me that they’ve moved the goalposts on when you can access your private pension. It’s our own money! Chances are they’ll keep moving it too… it’ll be 60, then 62.


I opted out of Australian Superannuation and began my own Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) it allows me to buy and sell both US, ASX and crypto of my choice with all the tax benefits associated with a regular Superannuation fund.


Don't believe that (SMSF) is expensive to set up or maintain. It is not and the initial set up is not expensive either. If you're Australian I highly recommend that you look into this. NFA but DYOR and you will be surprised. Don't fall for the Industry Super Funds hype. If you are half financially savvy you will way outperform the typical Superannuation Funds.


So do we put our money into pensions. Property. Shares. or Crypto. I might as well lose my own money rather than let some investment firm make profit on it then give me nothing back... When my grandma died 20 years back she was forced to sell her house to pay for her care home... Yet most of the old folk living there didn't contribute anything it was all payed for by the benefits...


I'm in a similar boat as you two. Im in the uk, 49 years old planning to retire at 55 but the goal posts keep moving. I've got a rental property and a decent pension but moving the minimum retirement age to get it to 57 set the alarm bells ringing. They are pegging it to 10 years below the retirement age now and it's planned to move again to 68 (just postponed until after the election) so potentially this could go to 58,59,60 who knows.


Great insight. Thanks you for sharing


Insightful write up. Thank you!!!!


I am interested in this. I really would prefer myself to manage it and get some real estate/stocks.


https://growsmsf.com.au/category/product-and-service-reviews/ One of many that can set it up for you. I personally found this group very professional. I'm not associated with them other than through my SMSF set up and management. ( I haven't used them for financial advice etc) So please DYOR.


Very few private companies have pensions anymore - they don't want the responsibility. Government pensions are in trouble mostly because they kicked the can down the road to fund them and when the stock market tanks, so does their pension funds. Another issue is the very generous pensions given police and fire where they can retire early with a full pension. more than 50% of pensions just go to those groups. Pension funds need to switch to Bitcoin to survive but most won't see until its too late.


Worldwide problem indeed and gap between elderly and low birth rates means Pension Ponzis are doomed.


Thanks James, very timely and insightful content mate. I’m 52, an Australian living in California for 8 years. I was in the Australian Navy for 6 years so I have a military superannuation fund they call DFRDB, which I can’t touch until I’m 55. It’s improved by 1% in 30 years - it kills me that I can’t touch it, or transfer it, Australian law doesn’t allow it. I also have a private super fund in Aus that I can’t transfer to the USA unless I’m homeless or will relinquish my Australian passport. I can’t add that to a Self Management super fund (longer story, but not an option for me), so with this in mind and having a loving American wife, I retreated for more financial freedom in America. Getting paid in USD is much better, but I’m still a worker, so I keep stacking in my 401K and buying crypto proxies in Greyscale and Micro Strategy because I get the tax advantages and employee contributions in that 401K. It makes up about 30% of my total investments. I still need the 401K for now, but thanks to you, I’m much better educated to help my immediate family and parents in the future- Thankyou!


I only just found out today that I can switch my default company pension to another fund! so I chose 'North American Equity' which includes Tesla, Nvidia, Google and the other top US tech stock. I am very pleased to finally get in on Tesla (albeit via a proxy).