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Hi Team

I created a thread on the IA Discourse to track movements for Wallet #14. 

Follow the whales follow the money. 

130M moved since last nite




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InvestAnswers Community Forum



Wow, thanks!


Can someone translate what they means?


Don’t they move it to manipulate the market sometimes, so it’s to know?


Who the hell buys ape coin


I see the transaction but not sure how to interpret. I am a newbie 🤩. Does this mean this wallet was transferred off Binance and onto a cold wallet? Sold and bought Eth?


James with that much volume (ie $) being converted to eth and other tokens, why hasn’t price been reflected with roughly 100m hitting the market?


Over the counter buys, they never buy at spot in the order books.


Wouldn’t that still effect price though,..seemed like every time Saylor with micro strategy ordered a ton of BTC over the last few years we’d see a bump in price


why is he buying that crap? Even DAI - if the goal is to get out of stablecoins, we found out DAI is largely USDC-backed. Wat? These moves are confusing at best.


Can someone please provide in layperson terms what the trade/sell means for this wallet


He don’t need to dance, he make money moves. -Cardigan B

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-15 21:32:44 what I heard it's people outside of USA keep their wealth in stable coins because they do not loose value like their currency or other crypto coins. They also are able to make transactions for their businesses. We should be aware that every time a coin goes down, it triggers liquidation for people that has loans in that crypto. So, what CZ, Vitalik, and many others did was add liquidity to the market by buying coins.
2023-03-15 20:31:50 What I heard it's people outside of USA keep their wealth in stable coins because they do not loose value like their currency or other crypto coins. We should be aware that every time a coin goes down, it triggers liquidation for people who had loans in that crypto. Remember Terra Luna, every body sold and that caused the de-peg of the coin and the loss of billions. So, what CZ, Vitalik, and many others did was add liquidity to the market by buying coins like DAI. Crypto is about de-centralization, it is not okay to have only one stable coin because it can be manipulated or hacked.

What I heard it's people outside of USA keep their wealth in stable coins because they do not loose value like their currency or other crypto coins. We should be aware that every time a coin goes down, it triggers liquidation for people who had loans in that crypto. Remember Terra Luna, every body sold and that caused the de-peg of the coin and the loss of billions. So, what CZ, Vitalik, and many others did was add liquidity to the market by buying coins like DAI. Crypto is about de-centralization, it is not okay to have only one stable coin because it can be manipulated or hacked.