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Hi team

my final note of March 12, 2023 and I do not believe in coincidences... let me explain why! 

Also so sorry about all that is going on but all of this is unprecedented. 

PLUS a big thank you to Sanjay who is on top of things 24/7 and believe me there is so much going on it is making my head spin. 


The entire decentralized finance ecosystem experienced a massive stress test, leaving questions about DeFi’s exposure to centralized risks. 

In the midst of the chaos, funds and big players started shuffling money around in an on-chain frenzy. The Who's Who of Crypto are fighting back. 

BTFB Rem This

Bank Term Funding Program - created by the Fed for the Fed to paint over the damage wreaked. ie a huge source of liquidity to stabilize the banking system while banks are caught with the exposure to the NIM and long term bonds that are in the toilet right now


Meanwhile the series of events over the last week has gone global - Asian Lenders are tumbling at the moment. 


Oh and in weird coincidences, guess who was on the Board lining his pockets - Former Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) endorsed changes to his own Dodd-Frank law in 2018 that freed mid-sized banks from undergoing stress tests. He sits on Signature Bank's board, which just collapsed.  His Law was supposed to prevent this!!!  This is worse than a soap opera. 

and just like that...




We are gonna live!!! Fear not, we will emerge stronger. From disaster comes opportunity and new ways to grow. Learning Hurts sometimes, but it makes us stronger.


Sorry, I was using talk to text some of that did not come out properly


James you are a gem 💎 thank you for all you do. Know that we all appreciate you!


Goldman thinks rate hikes are over (for now) https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/13/goldman-sachs-no-longer-expects-the-fed-to-hike-rates-in-march.html


Speaking of our friend Bernie Frank. Please, please speak on Dodd Frank. It opened door for 1st bank BAiL-IN, Cyprus. FSB says 1 it needs to be domesticlly/globally important bank 2 only over insured(us 250000) 3 receive alternative asset in return for funds(written as stock) or CBDC. Are we HERE? I'm scared


Why are BTC, ETH etc up so much?


Too many people see this as a game. Please remember Bitcoin was never meant to mate with the old system. It was created to be our lifeboat for when the old system sinks.


Sounds like a economic hitman job


Cosmos DeFi seems to be relatively unaffected, could this be a sign that the IBC model is working? Not to mention the decentralized oracles & cloud computing in the ecosystem


Looks like we are all standing on a ice cube and it’s melting fast should be an interesting week


Anyone else see the irony in libertarian Silicon Valley asks the government for a bail out? We are all in this together. Sometimes we need help. A civilized first world government should offer that help in order to retain or regain stability for us all. Help is not a bad thing. Giving it and receiving it are core tenets of civilization.


I think people are afraid to have their money in a bank. So they are sending it to exchanges and buying crypto. Plus, the prices were down. And all that buying pressure spiked them up. I think they'll come back down even lower.


A precursor to all this was the Savings & Loan crisis which began in late 1987/ 88. Financial Crisis 20 years later now 2023 another Stanley what a fine mess you’ve got us in. Thank you Satoshi for the option something different.


Someone will take over. This is just a part of "They Fight Us". I find it ironic that the FED had to create a program tp bail out federal bonds. That is a sign that something is VERY broken.


PacWest and 1st Republic banks are in play today (Monday)


Same in the UK… Europe to follow suit? How can I/we do cryptos if we don’t have ramp-up/down?? :-s