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I said we were on precarious grounds and we need the 200 DMA to hold. 

Well it did just that.  In fact the SPX bounced right off it - RED LINE above. 

Next time I see the sell flag on SPX I will hedge it.  I was hoping for 4200 but looks like we will not get that high for now. 




James, unless you are in the Sea Cliff part of SF, get out of SF while you can. Marin is better imo. To tell you the truth, if it wasn’t for my work I would be already gone to Florida or Carolinas.


So you know what I’m talking about. SF is going from bad to worse.


And that’s a shame because I think it is the most beautiful city in the world. Geographically, with costal mountains, bays, bridges, special micro climate, rich history, great architecture. Perhaps one day it will be what it once was.


What kind of hedges will you deploy?


Can you speculate on your opinion of the "who and how" of crypto manipulation/price suppression? I know I have mine


My issue is never buying at the right time or hedging at the right time, but what to do after. Taking profits, setting a SL or trailing SL etc


Just to be absolutely clear, is @investanswers saying that the 'sell flag' on his chart is the upside-down red triangle at price $4200. to 'hedge' that level means to do something bearish (sell a call or buy a put). I'm not sure, just asking to understand.


i am guilty of holding on to a profitable position too long. especially with long options. it's greed on my part.


My question was for James. Hedging can mean so many things. Curious what actions he would take in this exact scenario.


Ditto. One of biggest lessons for me from 2021 is learning how to take profits.


Challenging indeed but this Patreon helped me lots. Bought near to bottoms for Meta, Tesla etc based on excellent learning here.


James, can you please provide instructions or a document on how to visualize the calls/puts on a stock. I can't seem to find this wherever I look and thus struggle to factor leverage into my trading and investment decisions.


Much appreciated James. What timeframe are you using for the clearest top and bottom signal for the SPX?


I can nail bottoms but taking profits or timing to get out of a hedge I'm finding really hard


45min .. that's an interesting time frame! Never look at it


How can I access the IA indicators. James, this conviction you have ! I am trying to learn..that conviction you can only have with knowledge. Amazing