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Still running at 281 TPS


  • 4.6 TPS for bitcoin
  • ETH runs at 15 TPS
  • ADA runs at 1 TPS given 65K TPDAY

Restarting when 80% of validators are updated meanwhile, they say it will still chug along. 




Doesnt seem to be affecting price right now, shame as I have LO at fib lines waiting to be filled.


Hoping for a big dip.


George going in hard on solana🤡 saying it is totally down then says not the first time etc.


george is a Cardano shill and a lil beatch


I mean it’s not DOWN but if u really read the Solana status….essentially it’s down…a chain for pplz to vote lol


The conspiracy devil in my brain immediately imagines WEF/DAVOS/FED virus hack across the cryptoverse. Kick em when their down...


Kick myself that I lost faith w/ Sol at 9$ on the last run down … I should have stayed to the thesis of fundamentals and bought . Dry powder ready to tiptoe in around 20 🤙🏼


Bring in the FUD!!!


What is the average amount of time that a project stays in Beta? Seems Sol has hidden behind this long enough. Time to crap or get off the pot. And Sol is my second biggest bag so I am getting frustrated with the slow downs and "still in Beta".


The TPS was only voting. No finality. But hey - more dips perhaps. Love it.


Looks like its down


Almost 17hrs and still “DOWN” despite pplz still calling this FUD. Pplz calling FUD should try to transfer their SOLs and see it’s FUD or not. James should re-post and change the title to not FUD but NEWS….those pplz who msg me and said I spread FUD please DYOR


Thanks for the info! With so much happening everywhere, these can be scary times, especially with our finances. I get the frustration with not being able to transfer! It can be super stressful! Let’s hope this clears up quickly!


Feel like there are a lot of Solana apologists here. There is FUD and then there is a chain that has a ton of problems. This is the latter. Why would the big money back something like that?


It is up again. Who sold? 🥱


I didn’t, although I was expecting a bigger dump since the chain did had an incident. To be fair it wasn’t a FUD. Maybe tomorrow the price will tank we shall see, those who wanted to sell, already sold a long time ago. Those who remain per Ran are retarded degens. I’ll buy more not because I’m married to the project, rather the risk reward is skewed to my personal tolerable rate. The rest of the folks can do whatever they want.


It took a while but I was able to complete all my transactions


Why compare SOL TPS to BTC like they are the same. BTC isn’t designed for speed and it’s the strongest network on earth. If you want TPS look at other high TPS chains, Hedera higher then SOL per usual. SOL has infinitely more problems than Hedera and more than can be fairly justified. This is the kinda post that discredits all your hard work and quality research. Too much SOL bias here. And there was a hardfork too. Totally misleading coverage.


Chill man, don't expose these lazy peeps, they need to be able to sleepwalk through life🌞🤙


When you say TPS is down it’s easy for someone to say perhaps it’s congestion or just less traffic on the network, but that’s not what’s going on here. Also the hardfork is a bit of a disaster. Reporting each part individually then brushing it off is disingenuous.


Blondje we are NOT saying we are gonna sell or whatever and matter of fact, most of us probably bought the dip. However I agreed with Justin the post is lazy or little bias. James always says DYOR and discredit Main Street media about misleading article….what the post is the same no different than theirs. Just simply stating the facts here!


I'm just poking a bit around and having some fun. Only love 💙