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Hi Team

i just swapped 65% of my MATIC position for SOL. This was a position I entered into back in DEC 2022

i spoke about this last week but was busy traveling so could not make it at my 16.4 level.  I got out at 17.43 MATIC per SOL. 

Matic was trading at 1.39 at the time. 

There is a lot of FUD flying around for now re layoffs, expenses and an outage. 

Pair Chart today:



I think in the not so distance future we will see this Matic run was an illusion. They have paid for the majority of their partnerships, the majority of their top NFT projects are scams so i dont see meaningful/long lasting adoption (personally)


Cannot wait for the success of Solana! Thanks James as always


Been thinking bout this for 2 wks, thnx James 😎 Just looking at 200 Daily makes sense, I’m just retail tho trying to learn from the sharks and not get eaten


I'll just buy SOL when we think it bottoms and hold my 2021 underwater bag of MATIC until it either drowns me or makes money. Swapping any MATIC at this point locks in a loss for me.


Swapped out Matic for Sol yesterday evening. Matic has been good to me. Way down on Sol. Need Sol to Run.


Ran had Sandeep Nailwal on his show to address the FUD - video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0TO3GfvLNw&t=1530s Sandeep has interesting comments about SOL DAU's. (38m)


Thanks for giving us the heads up a couple of days ago. I swapped out😊


Me too :)


James, What do you think will happen if the economy really tanks and the S&P drops below 3500? All crypto goes down the tube with it?


@imvestanswers James, aöä well with Matic turn around and negative situation. Howwver, I cannot wrap my head arpimd


Eek I’ve been sleepin! MATIC what you doin?? 👀


Wow moved out of small Matic position at the perfect time !