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Yield curve inversion personified - the longer the term the higher the rate. That is the typical way for mortgages. To show you how broken the world is today - if you look at this chart here the 30 years mtg is at 6.6%, 15 years 5.7% and the five year is 6.8% who would ever sign up for a higher rate for a shorter term? ??

Clown World!

To reflect on the current Yield Curve Inversion - here it is.  Many say it is a 100% correct indicator of recession. We are at record levels now.

However, as I say, it does not mean the Stock Markets will tank

History says Stock Market is up 11% 12 mths after a Yield Curve Inversion.  Rem MKTS ARE FWD LOOKING.




Why is the Solana Google post deleted here?


I see. The article in the post is from Nov 2022.


James, You were supposed to take a break from us after your video earlier, and be on a short trip. I admire your hard work, and dedication to our community. Thank you.


Iceland. Home of many bitcoin miners. Never been there. Please send me a postcard. Take care


Please take care and give your family and friends a hug during the loss. We love you but don’t want you to push hard to keep us connected while you need downtime. We’re loyalists. Enjoy your family and hold them tight.


Want confirmation of a world wide recession? Look at the Baltic dry index. It's lower than the Covid crash of 2020! China coming online is a bust.


7 seven more years of up for land prices peeps


Wish I had fixed mine when you first started mentioning it last year. Oh well..