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Hi Team

Just had a Q pop in from a member here re new Coinbase listings and AXL token. 

First - for any new listing you will most likely get your butt handed to you.

Second - sadly coinbase is still listing $hitcoins

Third - Coinbase now not only have AXL but also AXL INU - are u kidding me? 

Fourth - the tokenomics of any new token are just awful. 

Final note. I've been keeping my eye out for gems for years now.  I look at Tokenomics, Tech, Product Market Fit, and Adoption.  If it does not hit all 4 boxes I slate it.  This stance has made me very unpopular as the way I see Crypto is there is an opportunity cost of investing in it - I could put $1 into Tesla or $1 into Bitcoin or $1 into Crypto.  

Every new token has red flags galore and 98% are money grabs.  Be careful out there. 

The only items I would consider dabbling in right now are BTC ETH SOL FTM GRT and MATIC (and none are without their issues) but these are the best risk-reward I see for this next bull run. 

Rem I am still 99.6% BTC ETH SOL. 

SUMMARY: Look for items with low inflation under 10%, and half a million Daily Active Users, and a situation where insiders are not ready to dump it all on you. 




Can’t express in this little box how much you’ve taught me. Often times it’s over my head and I have to watch over, get paper out and dig in. But that’s what I want. I’ve been making money and building a good portfolio since I found this.


Fantastic information as always , thank you James