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Bitcoin - sucking more folks in by the day. 

Fascinating how time changes things. 

Now the sad news is, Maxis hate Blackrock... 




Hi James and gang. What is your opinion on the latest with China and US. Check out "the Duran" on you tube. Looks like China is siding more with Russia. James said last year that he fears China pally up with Russia. Here comes the mutinpolar world👍🤷


China has sided w Russia for many years, and I expect they will continue to. They are strategic partners.


Hi wicks,I agree 👍but things are speeding up. Some people expected china to go against Russia since February but it was clear they would not as they continued to buy from Russia. The sanctions were a disaster. We were told that Russia would collapse,Boris the clown said we will bring Russians to there knees. Nobody would deal with them 🤣 most of the people I know said they will collapse and only small countries will buy from them,some even said they don't mind paying more for petrol etc to stick it to Putin🤣. The US is definitely loosing it's dominance. Apparently China have sanctioned pelosi and are not happy with the US constant interference. I seen a good documentary over 20 years ago saying China will take over the us in a few decades. There growth has been amazing. Lol I talk to much but basically do you think this will affect our bags. I.E the yanks will definitely send more of its military to the area. Iam worried about my bags🤣 don't care much for the geo politics as that is out of my control. I am a bit worried though that the us will not concede it's top dog status without seriously escalating the situation. Neo cons or whatever you choose to call them are psychotic🤣🚀


I believe there's room for me than one super power... This shouldn't all be always about one or the US... Maybe then the world might be a slightly better place instead of one single power sticking it to everyone...


I don't ingest the MS news. I was not aware of those "Russia will collapse" attitudes. Seems naive.


Yup. The internet and/or more advanced networks of the future may one day dematerialize borders/countries too. Hm. Time for bed. Oops.


Wise move to steer clear from ms news. I like to check the daily headlines on YouTube channels from the likes of the BBC and sky to see what propaganda they throw out to the naive gullible masses. Them check out channels like "The Duran". "The New Atlas" etc to get the other side of the story. I have followed The New Atlas for many years before he was on YouTube. Simply because he covers Thailand my real home. He is ex American military living in Thailand and imo his work is very accurate. On the positive side BBC has been experiencing record numbers of people cancelling there TV licence,people have had enough of there bs. I believe the likes of CNN is suffering similar,people are tuning out. I live in hope for a brighter future 🙏


Would be nice,just can't see it. Hope iam wrong. I believe the us and my country the uk has missed a good opportunity to work together with other countries👍